"It is a massive thing guys don't play at the weekend so they can come into the Test week fresh, " said Johnson.
"Cash is king in the market, but people run out of cash very quickly, and we often lose sales because customers can't face the long weekend wait at the ATM, " he said.
As we leave, the parlor maid is laying out the silver in preparation for an Earl who is coming to tea while outside the gamekeeper ensures the drives aren't flooded before the shooting party arrives at the weekend.
The deal hammered out at the weekend doesn't seem to guarantee either.
Certainly it will never be forgotten if we go out at the weekend and don't play well.
"I don't see the logic in running over 12K this weekend as preparation for hopefully running 4K at the World Cross Country, " said Donnelly.
Centre director Michael Wiseman said children were "devastated" when Gordon did not appear at the weekend, "but we couldn't send out a headless gorilla".
This doesn't seem to be looking at the substance of the Messham allegations over the weekend, but about the remit and work of the original Waterhouse inquiry.
"Michael has one flaw in my view that there is hardly a weekend that he hasn't been off the road at one time or another and sometimes several times because he stretches the elastic a tad too far, " said the 67-year-old Scot.
BBC: Michael Schumacher and the Ferrari prancing horse emblem
Four of the movies were at art-house cinemas, as theater chains hadn't released weekend schedules yet.
"I would be surprised if we don't have three or four bodies over the line by the time we play Utrecht, " Dowie said at the weekend.
But if you haven't and saw Mr Ross at any time on the day of his death, Monday 17 December, or the weekend before, then please come forward now.
Detroit didn't get to start the season at home this year, but that means this series against the Yankees will cover the whole weekend.