You can't show fatigue, you can't show terror, you can't show when you're torn up.
Ms. ANGELA KELLY (Deputy Director, National Immigration Forum): You can't bring your cousins, you can't bring your uncles, you can't bring your great grandparents.
"When you can't make free throws, when you can't make 3-point shots, and you can't make shots in the paint, it's very hard to win, " Brooklyn interim coach P.
"You can't get the support structure, you can't get qualified technical staff, and you certainly can't get investment, " says marketing manager Phil Ingram.
You can't touch the screen (which I get), you can't touch the power button and you honestly can't do anything beyond starting and stopping a recording.
ENGADGET: Mophie Outride review: action-cam case for iPhone can't replace dedicated shooters
You can't look backwards, you can't look ahead, you have to look at exactly what is in front of you.
Mr. TOMAR: (Through Translator) Any stranger is unwanted here right now so I can't see you and you can't see me.
However, even if you didn't finish high school or have other factors you can't change, you can still challenge your brain to preserve mental function, Fiocco says.
Michael Corbat is putting his stamp on the company with a simple formula: You can't manage what you can't measure.
If you don't take the bar exam, you can't become a lawyer, and therefore, you can't become a professional.
If you meant not to, wished you hadn't, know you shouldn't have, you can rationalize saying you didn't and not think of yourself as a liar.
You can't teach them the Torah, you can't talk about Jesus' or what have you.
CNN: Bush rallies support for 'faith-based' services package
"Stuff you can't get anywhere, you can't get anymore, has always been in, " she said.
Ms. KIM BASINGER (Actress): (Singing) And you can't influence, and you can't influence, let's go to bed.
ICP's Will Geddes says there is "no environment you can't go into where you can't provide a minimum level of security".
Governments don't have a monopoly on it, and we can't -- you can't judge the intentions of another country by looking at its force -- like by looking at its force posture.
If you can't love your little neighbour, if you can't show any love to your little neighbour you are already beginning to destroy his or her sense of trust in other human beings.
BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Fear of paedophiles 'a tragedy'
You know, the - at some point, you can't - you just can't borrow any more money as a household or as a company.
If a chance comes you can't be careless, but you can't just push a return in.
You can't rush creativity, and you can't rush working with a group of guys.
The designers have wisely gone with the "you can't screw up, and you can't die" philosophy that LucasArts has been employing for years.
You can't walk without one or you can't lift something without one, and I think one of the reasons people are so upset about the health care system in this country is they had hassles like this.
And if companies can't borrow, they can't hire, they can't, you know, they put off investments, they cut back on expansions.