Ms. Harlan said she and Ms. Brannock had attempted to FaceTime but couldn't figure it out.
Chandler wasn't clear on why it took the Knicks so long to figure out the defense and why they couldn't do it under D'Antoni.
So we knew when we looked at the evidence in the jury room in deliberations ... we went over it again ... it didn't take us nine for months to figure it out.
Here, again, technology's getting in the way: It's so advanced that technicians can't figure out what's wrong with it.
The universe still can't seem to figure out if it wants Miami to win (because Miami at its best is brilliantly airborne and entertaining) or lose (because Miami losing is, well, funny).
President Obama, I'm not an environmentalist and I'm not a scientist, but it doesn't take a genius to figure out that something is wrong in the environment if it's October, and the weather is as it is. (Laughter.) I recently -- I'm a Louisiana native, and I recently moved back home from California, where there, it was a big push for going green and environmental policies.
But Air New Zealand couldn't quite figure out how to sell it.
Rausch saw a film taking shape from the narratives of the man and the two young women but couldn't figure out how to construct it.
Sure, this is standard advice -- but it's good advice, because it doesn't tell you what to do, it helps you figure out what you want.
CNN: Commentary: Don't let history be your guide to investing
"You wouldn't get very far before somebody would figure it out, " says Stephen Burke, president of the Ithaca Hours board.
We weren't math majors, but when we figure it out....let's see....carry the two....hold the one.....uh....well, it's a been a long time coming, anyways!
They might kill the goose that lays the golden eggs because they can't figure out how to keep both it and themselves alive.
Yet investigators can't seem to figure out how she caught it.
But it had picked up steam on social-news site Reddit and it didn't take long for members of the site's popular music community to figure it out.
But here as always, Ms. Herzog uses her well-tuned ear for dialogue to reveal the personalities of her characters, and it doesn't take long to figure out that for all their glib chitter-chatter, Abby and Zack (even their names are right) are pitifully unequal to the harsh challenges of adulthood.
"It shouldn't be pretty hard to figure out my email address, " the mayor said Thursday.
"It doesn't take them long to figure out, 'Hey, Uncle Charlie croaked after eating that, '" Mr. Lamb said.
It didn't take Bernstein long to figure out the FTC needed to step up its monitoring of the Internet.
Google may only hire geniuses, but it doesn't take a genius to figure out that Google is just too big to make its newest employees as rich as their peers.
"It didn't take customers long to figure out that there was more value in the foot-long, " said Dennis Lombardi, executive vice president of food-service strategies at restaurant development firm WD Partners.
It didn't take Craig Shirley long to figure out that things weren't going well.
It doesn't take a conditioning guru to figure out that some downtime can only do an athlete good.
WSJ: Gabriele Marcotti: European Soccer's Christmas Vacation
It didn't take long for Preston to figure out how he could help in a way that would change his fortune as well.
The European authorities complain that the new policy doesn't allow users to figure out which information is kept, how it is combined by Google services or how long the company retains it.
The single mom who's trying to figure out how to keep her house can't afford it.
It doesn't take a Beltway political guru to figure out what happened next.
Ferguson says it doesn't take a Project Grey Goose to figure out that the proliferation of autorun viruses probably wasn't the result of a targeted attack.
"It took ten years to figure out these didn't work very well, " he says.
Though it transcribes all of the speech pulled out of videos from its content partners, it only runs other videos through speech-recognition software when there isn't enough metadata with the files for the search engine to figure out what it contains.