If Bernanke can't get it right regarding the greenback, let's hope he at least takes the lead in beating back bank regulators and auditors who are still pressuring banks to curb lending and write down the value of existing and still good loans.
Jack Straw, who was foreign secretary at the time of the invasion, told the BBC the new leader was not an MP at the time so had "greater freedom to say we didn't get it right, but I don't agree with his view".
We didn't get it quite right at times but we played a lot smarter in the second half in terms of field position.
Making a mistake was perhaps a good thing as it made me feel more human and a good representative of young people - we know we don't always get it right!
Much of the industry, in fact, has tried to imitate Southwest, down to its 737 jetliners, but can't seem to get it right.
Google's voice-controlled question-and-answer feature, like Apple's Siri, didn't understand me or get it right a lot of the time.
"If they can't get this thing right, it's not a good situation, " he says.
Like many people, I use Google Translate as a starting point for translation, but don't necessarily trust that it will get everything right.
In World Cups you haven't got time - you have to get it right in the space of a few weeks.
BBC: SPORT | Football | World Cup 2006 | Teams | England | Terry Butcher's view on England
"When Jimmy Mullen left the club it wasn't in my mind to get local people, it was to get the right people, " said Bonser.
"It doesn't look right to get fans from Leeds or Huddersfield to travel to Hull to take the buses, " he added.
Second, even when the campaign struck the right balance, it couldn't always get the former president to the stick to the script.
But getting noticed isn't all there is to it--you want to get noticed for the right reasons.
"I talk the way Shakespeare wrote, that's how I look at it, and if they can't get Shakespeare and his accent right then heaven help us, " he said.
But right now, I don't want to get ahead of it, because the State Department has it.
First of all, it can be hard to get it to fit right, and a mask that doesn't fit won't work properly.
"It isn't much good to say you have the right to get your property back if you can't afford a lawyer, " said the late Rep. Henry Hyde (R-Ill.) at a 1999 congressional hearing.
WSJ: Federal Asset Seizures and Forfeitures Rise; 'Equitable Sharing' Grows
It is no secret that most photographers love gear, but it is easy to get bogged down worrying that you don't have the right gear for the job, or maybe you feel like you could do a better job if you just had that one other thing.
"We could get the train going in the right direction, but we didn't know where it was ultimately going to end up, " explains Bryan Harres, who runs the Atlanta operation center.
The market is cheap right now, but that's not to say it won't get horribly cheaper.
If that seems like overkill, though, the Mobi might be the better option -- it's not like you can't eventually get those photos off your phone, right?
My personal experience--and I don't have the science behind it to back it--is that people start to get more depressed right after the sun starts to come up for longer periods of time.
" And pretty much patterned the whole thing after it -- right down to saying, "Why don't you guys get Sammy Hagar to sing in this band?
"We've not got a settled back four and it doesn't help, but the chairman and Barry Fry are working hard to get the right players in, " he said.
BBC: Peterborough boss Mark Cooper defends cautious approach
It doesn't take much work to get artists to perform together as long as the organizers can find the right venue.
FORBES: Sometimes celebrities are the best people to rally donors.