Unlike most films that attempt to re-create this bygone era, signifiers aren't rubbed in your face while "In the Mood" blares from a radio.
However, that didn't stop the in-your-face comedian from doing what he does best: Being brutally honest.
At first we didn't like it, you don't like nobody telling you in your face what to do.
But like the Irish or the Poles, you don't give up your faith in the face of sneering, front-running fans from Dallas, New York and Washington.
WSJ: Chip Kelly: Torn Between Two Birds��Oregon Ducks, Philadelphia Eagles
For them, it's 'You do things my way and if you don't, we'll throw acid in your face.
Don't be afraid to let the camera get in your face, the Georgetown senior and online-campaign-video critic said in an online video of his own.
You want to avoid somebody like a Geraldine Ferraro, who's going to blow up in your face because you didn't vet her well enough, or Dan Quayle, who also wasn't vetted well enough.
And just before the hurricane makes land fall and you're outside and the trees are blowing backwards, your hair is blowing in your face, the water is horizontal, driving into your eyes you can't even see.
BBC: Live The Story: Laura Trevelyan on reporting a hurricane
Don't be so weak as to forget problems which are not constantly being rubbed in your face.
"I am hungry to do well and if this challenge doesn't create a hunger and put a spring in your step and a smile on your face then nothing will, " he said.
The bass has fantastic oomph and the audio plenty of clarity and depth when you're holding the Jambox in your hand, pointed at your face, but it won't fill a large party room (or function terribly well outdoors, as we learned camping out for Black Friday) and still sound like something worth listening to -- and the close-set speakers don't provide much stereo separation to speak of, either.
From now on I don't want to see your face, if you do show your face, I will shoot you in the head.
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