• Pakistan's foreign-ministry spokesman, Aizaz Ahmed Chaudhry, said Islamabad didn't violate an agreement with Kabul that there would be no construction of new outposts on the disputed border, and that Pakistani forces were merely "engaged in renovation and repair" at the facility.

    WSJ: Afghan, Pakistani Forces Clash

  • Many in Pakistan argue that if Washington is prepared to hold talks with the Afghan Taliban, then the U.S shouldn't stand in the way of Islamabad's negotiations with militants there, who are responsible for killing thousands of civilians and security personnel.

    WSJ: Pakistani Taliban Call Off Peace Talks

  • Before, there weren't many people from Gilgit here in Islamabad, but now they are quite a few.

    BBC: Pakistan's Shias fear sectarian attacks

  • For years, Islamabad claimed it didn't know Mr. bin Laden's whereabouts, and officials often suggested he was in Afghanistan, implying it was the U.S. that couldn't find him.

    WSJ: New Test for U.S.-Pakistan Relations

  • Mazhar Nisar, a spokesman for the polio-monitoring cell at the Pakistani prime minister's secretariat in Islamabad, said the program wouldn't be suspended countrywide.

    WSJ: Polio-Vaccine Teams Are Withdrawn in Pakistan

  • The police and Pakistan's caretaker government, established to oversee next month's elections, had appeared paralyzed by the order from the Islamabad High Court, and didn't enforce the order Thursday night.

    WSJ: Pakistan's Ex-President Arrested

  • The police and Pakistan's caretaker government, established to oversee next month's elections, appeared paralyzed by the order from the Islamabad High Court, and didn't enforce it as of Thursday night.

    WSJ: Musharraf Flees as Court Orders Arrest

  • Like many other purpose-built administrative capitals - Brazil's Brasilia, Burma's Naypyidaw, Pakistan's Islamabad - its high-design layout hasn't managed to capture the heart and soul of the country it rules.

    BBC: Canberra: Deathly dull at 100?

  • But there is another side to Pakistan that suggests some underlying strengths that don't make quite as good copy as the Taliban marching towards Islamabad, as they did in 2009.

    CNN: What's working in Pakistan

  • If that was the intention, it didn't work: Clinton renewed his offer to help, but left it to Delhi and Islamabad to resolve the issue.

    CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | India: Slaughter in Singhpora

  • Islamabad's designated Kashmir expert says someone may be assisting the Kashmiri separatists, but it isn't his government.


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