"Just because you don't think the rules are valid doesn't mean you don't have to play within them, for now, " he says.
I'm going to talk for a while. (Laughter.) You guys don't sit down because you don't have chairs. (Laughter.) But you guys all have to bend your knees a little bit so you don't faint.
"You don't need food bigger than your face, and you don't need mobile phone plans that charge you more than you can afford for services you don't want or need, " said Doug Chartier, senior vice president of marketing for GoSmart.
"It doesn't get easier, you don't think of them any less, you don't miss them any less, but you do get more used to feeling that way, " Mrs Ballard said.
"You produce, you get money, the day you don't produce, you don't get money, " Mr. Chakrabarti said.
He has to rebuild the trust, because if you don't have trust you don't have anything in a marriage.
"We had enough opportunities to beat Cliftonville but if you don't take them you don't win matches, " he said.
"In their estimation, they believe that if you don't assume command you don't have responsibility there for what goes on, " he said.
One of the main problems with looting is that if a site is undiscovered, you simply don't know what you don't know.
If you don't know the players and you don't the people that you're dealing with, then you're not going to solve the crime.
If, however, you don't have health insurance or you don't like the insurance you have, you can choose from the same wide variety of private plans that members of Congress choose from.
Try to get paid for what you do, and don't worry if you don't.
On those cold mornings way back when, what my father was really saying to me was, If you don't get up, if you don't expect anything out of this day, you gonna miss.
Jake, just because you're not in the majority doesn't mean you don't have an obligation to help solve the problems of this country.
And you don't need a license, you don't need right-of-way clearance -- you just shoot through the air.
Wall Street doesn't seem to have learned that you don't put anything in an e-mail you don't want to see in the headline of a news story.
Is there anything in particular you don't want or anywhere you don't want to go?
If you don't have someone, you don't have someone, so it's a solution after sensible contemplation.
"I feel sorry they were not rewarded but when you don't take your chances you don't win big games, " added Wenger.
When you don't have banquets, you don't need waiters and waitresses.
It is a -- I don't know about you, but you don't get to choose whether you pay your income taxes -- most people don't.
If you don't want to use Excel (and you don't really care whether you can determine your average daily mileage between trips to the mechanic), you've got a couple of other options.
But if you don't have a retirement savings plan or you don't like the one you have, you will be able to open a new American retirement account that will provide no hassle, portable savings opportunities throughout your career.
CNN: Clinton's October 9, 2007 speech on retirement security
If you don't want to rush, and you don't want to do this, then you should have done it when she told you to do it!
But if you're someone who's bought a piece of technology that you can't use or you don't know how to fully use, what should you do?
It's up to you whether or not to take that tourism plan beyond Tokyo--but you really don't have to if you don't want to.
That principle also didn't jibe with one of Pinterest's main rules: Don't pin anything you don't have a license to use.
Again, you don't bring the press in, you don't have photographs going out of here in real time if you're trying to keep something on the down low.