• But the signs are that they are preparing to beat a tactical retreat.

    ECONOMIST: The EU's agricultural policy

  • Instead it was largely a tactical retreat in the face of a barrage of criticism from motoring and road-haulage organisations.

    ECONOMIST: Fuel tax

  • There are times when the best strategic move is a tactical retreat.

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  • One spokesman for the Ansar Dine militant group, Senda Ould Boumama, said the withdrawal was a "tactical retreat" to reduce civilian casualties.

    BBC: Mali conflict: France to increase troop numbers

  • Such a well-executed tactical retreat could be considered a short-term loss.

    FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

  • Coalition officials were not sure if the column, which was attacked Wednesday afternoon, represented a counterattack on the Umm Qasr area or if it was a tactical retreat from Basra.

    CNN: British hit Iraq column near Basra

  • This is especially true if we were to let Saddam Hussein either get away with this aggression or make a tactical retreat that will permit him to preserve those capabilities.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center For Security Policy

  • But many ordinary Libyans remain skeptical that powerful militias, many of which have vast weapons arsenals, will surrender so easily and may simply be beating a tactical retreat until popular anger calms.

    WSJ: Libyan Army Clamps Down on Militias

  • The second, vital component of a Republican tactical retreat would be to fulfill their commitment to reduce government spending and permit the bipartisan agreement negotiated when the debt ceiling was increased in August 2011.

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  • Sometimes a tactical retreat is the smart play.

    WSJ: Review & Outlook: Debt-Ceiling Melodrama

  • But, just as Democrats never retreated from their commitment to raise the top two tax rates and grow government, the Republicans can use their tactical retreat to extricate themselves from the trap of bi-partisan austerity.

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  • Which is why the concessions made by General Wiranto may just be a tactical retreat in preparation for a longer battle to preserve the dominant role the armed forces have enjoyed in Indonesia for the past 40 years.

    ECONOMIST: Indonesia

  • The alternative is for the Republicans to execute a tactical retreat on tax rates that positions them as the party of economic growth and opportunity for all Americans, and that adheres to the extent possible to their pledge to protect the American people from tax increases.

    FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

  • Foreign Affairs: The highly publicized changes in Soviet foreign policy, including their flagship -- the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan -- is typical of Gorbachev's apparent, wholesale adaptation in foreign affairs of the Leninist doctrine of "reculer pour mieux sauter, " tactical retreat in order to advance strategic objectives.


  • Democrats today presumably view the current two-week agreement as a similar opportunity to make a short-term tactical retreat in hopes of winning bigger battles in the future (not just the fight over FY2011 spending levels, but also the upcoming FY2012 budget resolution debate and the debt limit conflict in June or July).

    FORBES: GOP Wins First Skirmish in Budget Fight, But Shutdown Battle Still Looms

  • As to the current IDF operation in Gaza, it is fairly clear that whatever accomplishments the IDF may achieve over the next few days, Olmert will call for a retreat rather than enable those tactical accomplishments to become translated into an enhanced strategic environment for Israel.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Olmert's response to Palestinian violence

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