The participants in the challenege will get a two month set of data from the National Airspace System, which includes a slew of data such as flight number, origin, destination, take-off time, arrival time, latitude and longitude at frequent interim waypoints along the journey and weather and wind data.
Contact with Flight KQ507 was lost by air traffic control shortly after take-off at 0005 local time (0105 GMT).
First, the ducted fan design allows the car to achieve the speed and maneuverability of a helicopter -- 155 mph, 12, 000-foot altitude, two hours of flight time, vertical take off and landing -- but removes the dangers of exposed rotors, allowing the "car" to sidle up to buildings for rescue missions, or coexist in close quarters with other vehicles.
ENGADGET: Urban Aeronautics plans X-Hawk flying car for 2010
The on-ear controls are also hard to reach, meaning we had to take the cans off every time we wanted to make an adjustment -- a much easier task with the AmPlug which is always near your fingertips.
ENGADGET: Vox jams guitar amps into Audio-Technica headphones, dubs them Amphones (ears-on)
The 32-year-old now intends to take some time off to wind down then see what happens from there.
' But the way we have structured the bill, if the employee says I'll take it in time off instead of time-and-a-half pay, anytime the employee changes his mind after that, he can have the money.
"Governments rarely take by elections off opposition parties - I think the last time it happened was 30 years ago during the Falklands War, so this was not an unexpected result, " he said.
In an e-mail message Amelio said he planned to take time off and declined to comment on his departure.
There are other ways to get some exercise and reap the benefits - a Dutch study found commuters who cycle take less time off sick.
By communicating with a smart meter, Nucleus will let people program appliances to take advantage of off-peak pricing plans offered by utilities that have time-of-use electricity plans.
Some parents, forced to take time off work to care for their children - or pay others to do so - feel that some schools have been over-reacting.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Snow shuts schools for second day
The problem with working-capital initiatives is they can take a long time to pay off.
For that reason, many law and accountancy partnerships have organised ways in which women who take time off to rear children can still pursue high-flying careers.
The BBC reserves the right to take any contestant off-air and disqualify them from the competition at any time if they display offensive, abusive or any other kind of unsuitable behaviour.
Strictly defined, Private Health isn't part of the growing phenomenon known as concierge medicine, where doctors charge a retainer for more face-time and personal attention, and often take their practices off the commercial and government payment grid.
WSJ: The Weekend Interview with Leslie Michelson: Doctor to the 1% (and Maybe Someday to You)
For some people, a recession is a good time to take two years off, rather than job-hunt fruitlessly at home.
Furthermore, managers in most U.S.-based organizations take either less vacation time, or less consecutive time off than their counterparts in Europe and elsewhere.
Seemingly on his way to a straight-sets defeat, Djokovic dug in to rattle off the next six games to take the third set -- the first time in seven matches that Nadal had lost a set at Roland Garros.
She refuses to share her balance sheet with stressed countries by allowing the issuance of euro-bonds, until they reform, even though such reforms cannot be implemented in time to head off sovereign defaults that would take down many under-capitalized European banks, now desperately juggling their books to inflate their capital ratios.
WSJ: Agenda | Irwin Stelzer: Euro-Zone Shark Still Has Its Appetite
One, this is not a time to take -- to use the metaphor -- take our foot off the accelerator here.
WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing with Vice President Biden and Press Secretary Gibbs | The White House
The two governments could have insisted on one immediately, at the same time dropping their outdated limits on foreign ownership of airlines and releasing take-off and landing slots at congested Heathrow.
Thirty-minute extensions would be possible if the captain reasonably believed the plane would take off within that time.
Colin Kniveton was given time off his job in the Isle of Man government to take up the four-month post.
An engineer from the elite Indian Institute of Technology, he started his career as a low-paid software engineer at a time when India's outsourcing industry was still to take off.
Before reacting to a high-profile tragedy, marketers need to ask themselves whether their messages will take the edge off during a tense time, or sharpen the blade.
FORBES: Free Advice: Don't Peg Marketing Plans To Natural Disasters
Combat is turn-based and easy to grasp, though it may take some time to figure out which skills piggyback best off one another.
They want public retirement credits for people who take time off from paid employment to serve as family caregivers, for retirees who have worked in low-wage occupations and for widows.
But it follows long-standing complaints by the teachers that the computerized exams take up too much instructional time and force schools to close off computer labs for long stretches to administer the exams.
In this study, BCG required its most intensely workaholic team members to take pre-scheduled, regular (one day per week) and complete (no phone calls or emails) time off during the course of a project.