Justice Scott will presumably take a dim view of the impartiality of Fiji's courts.
In fact, East European converts to the free market take a dim view of Austria altogether.
Or perhaps it's polls showing most Americans take a dim view of the partisan gridlock in Washington.
Also, I figured the TSA would take a dim view of bear spray on my flight home.
The potentially perverse effects of the proposed reform are not the only reason why many Italians take a dim view of it.
Activists do not much like born-again Christians, who take a dim view of the sort of sex lives that help to spread HIV.
The government of the Province of Saskatchewan served notice this week that it would take a dim view of any state-controlled entity swallowing Potash Corp.
Not only was the February reading revised lower to 60.9 but the current reading fell more than forecast to 57.1 causing investors to take a dim view of the health of the economy ahead.
FORBES: IB FX Brief: Positive Jobs Report Boosts Dollar, Risk Appetite Grows Friday
While three of them, including Lehman Brothers, take a dim view of the prospects for American shares, the other four have either marginally increased their allocations, or have maintained them at the same levels as in the previous quarter.
Mr. Gates has also suggested that his review will take a dim view of the Marines as a "second land army" - the sort of role it has reluctantly taken on in recent years due to the fact that the Nation's "first" one, the U.S. Army, is too small to perform all that is being asked of it.
They take a really dim view of someone starting out to learn the craft at 22, but they're nice guys.
Second, for HSBC the most important region in the world for it in a commercial sense is Asia, and that happens to be where governments take a particularly dim view of any kind of trade in illegal drugs.