• Airport workers take a photo of the device with the seat number, date and flight number written on it.

    WSJ: Oops! I Forgot My iPad on the Plane

  • The app lets consumers take a photo of a product and find and purchase similar products on the internet.

    FORBES: Image Recognition Technology Goes Shopping

  • For instance, tourists visiting a cemetery or religious site may want to take a photo of someone in a clearly emotional state.

    BBC: Taking photographs of people

  • You take a photo of the fish you caught, add the location of that mighty catch and share it with your friends.

    FORBES: A Fish App To Show Off Your Catch

  • The way it works: The app asks users to take a photo of a creek or a stream they happen to be walking by.

    FORBES: IBM Launches iPhone App For Crowdsourcing Water Quality

  • When the dude used her phone to take a photo of himself (why do thieves always do this?) the photo automatically uploaded to her Facebook account.

    FORBES: Facebook Horror Stories

  • The startup also released a listings app for iPhone that allows women to quickly take a photo of an item in their closet and list it for sale on the website.

    FORBES: The Marketplace In Your Closet

  • CustomMade plans to release a mobile app that will let people to take a photo of an item and send it to CustomMade to request that something similar be made for them.

    FORBES: CustomMade Brings Artisan, Customized Products To Mass Market

  • Since launching last year, the app has grown quickly because women can quickly take a photo of a piece of clothing and upload it to sell on Poshmark, says founder and CEO Manish Chandra.

    FORBES: Poshmark Mobile Fashion App Raises $12M Series B

  • Take a photo of his statue in downtown Augusta near James Brown Boulevard or catch a concert at the James Brown Arena (formerly the Augusta-Richmond County Civic Center and renamed in 2006 to honor Brown).

    CNN: Augusta beyond the golf club

  • Photographs are so easy to take and so ubiquitous that we're neglecting the craft of capturing images. (Before long, Google Glass, the high-tech glasses with a built-in camera, will let us take a photo of whatever we happen to be looking at.) While technology has imbued the minutia of our experience with meaning, it's also turning us into lazy photographers.

    WSJ: How to Take Better Travel Photos

  • Clutching their cameras, a group of three 24-year-old girls waited patiently in a queue to take a photo by the Ministry of Railways building sign.

    BBC: Demise of China's unloved railways ministry

  • Three, it's expensive, so it's 'elitist, ' and four, it's so easy for somebody just to take a look at the photo of the funnel inside the esophagus and to say 'Oh my god, if it were me, it would hurt.

    CNN: Foie gras causes uproar

  • Sharing snapshots has a whiff of the Color app to it: whenever you take a picture of something, that photo will automatically appear on your friends' Highlight stream as long as they're in the vicinity.


  • Take a peek below if you're interested in a full photo tour of the 520, and continue reading for more impressions and specs.


  • The WG-3 boasts a rich feature-set that has been optimized to meet the rigorous and demanding needs of the adventurous photo enthusiast, whose travels and exploits can take them into a variety of scenarios too challenging for the traditional point-and-shoot.

    ENGADGET: Pentax expands ruggedized series with Optio WG-3, Target-exclusive WG-10

  • Russia's Eugeni Dementiev threw himself across the line to take silver in a photo-finish with Mikhail Botwinov of Austria, whose bronze came four years after he was embroiled in a doping controversy at the Salt Lake City Games.

    CNN: Di Centa gives Italy fairytale end

  • Last week I was back in New Orleans for my first visit in 20 years, and although in town to curate a photography exhibition for the New Orleans Photo Alliance, I was also there to take my own photographs of a city I knew to be incredibly photogenic and full of warm-hearted, fun-loving people.

    BBC: New Orleans and the 'Super Gras'

  • As you find when trying to take a really good photo, in trying to crack wise the ratio of dross to gold is really high.

    FORBES: Great Quotes R Us

  • In honor of this quirky American tradition, CNN iReport invited people to take a snapshot of their own shadows for a one-day photo challenge and then share their personal weather predictions.

    CNN: Shadows aren't just for groundhogs

  • In honor of this quirky American tradition, CNN iReport is asking people to take a snapshot of their own shadows for a one-day photo challenge and share their own winter weather predictions.

    CNN: Shadows aren't just for groundhogs

  • With smart phones, you can take a photo and video, play games, locate your position and do countless of other useful things.

    FORBES: Body temperature.

  • Photo 51 is not the sort of image you would take with a normal camera.

    BBC: The most important photo ever taken?

  • Take a look at the top of this post, to the right of my photo.

    FORBES: Connect

  • The STYLUS SZ-16 iHS's blazing fast autofocus and HDR Backlight Adjustment combine to take a collage of images at various exposure levels and blend them into one perfectly exposed photo regardless of difficult lighting.

    ENGADGET: Olympus reveals SZ-15, SZ-16 superzoom cameras with upgraded sensors

  • Even in rural parts of the U.S. it can take hours to drive to a specialist, while a primary care physician might quickly email that specialist a photo of, say, a diseased retina first to see whether the trip's really necessary.

    NPR: Physical By Smartphone Becoming Real Possibility

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