Some DPC providers such as WhiteGlove Health and Organic Medicine Nowtake it astep further and make house calls that harken back to the days of your family doctor stopping by your house just a few decades ago.
But his colleagues have warned Mr Ashdown that he can nowtake only one step at a time, and even then only after he has consulted first with his front bench.
Opponents of gay marriage at the gathering said they now face a tough mission, going back home and explaining to their congregations that they now belong to the largest mainstream church to take such astep.
Now lawmakers on Capitol Hill are looking to take this technology astep further in an effort to develop a "smart" electric grid for the entire country.
The iCub robot was already doing pretty well for itself in the creepiness department, but a group of researchers from the University of Plymouth are now working to take things one big step further, by teaching the so-called "baby robot" to talk (as opposed to teaching it baby talk).
Having passed reform bills in both the House and the Senate, we now have to take up the last and most important step and reach an agreement on a final reform bill that I can sign into law.