It would now take a swing of 7.5% for Labour to regain the seat.
"If I think my wife should obey me and my religion teaches me so and I take a swing at her, then I've committed a hate crime, " rather than domestic violence.
Nothing here is truly groundbreaking, per se, but it's the first time that we've seen such a giant company take a meaningful swing at a product sector that has caught fire for myriad reasons. 2012 is shaping up to be the year of the inexpensive tablet, but if Intel has its druthers, you'll be shaking off the hype and picking up a full-fledged computing tool instead.
ENGADGET: Intel's Ultrabook portal jabs at limited functionality of tablets
Harrington feinted to take Joe Thompson away on a swing, but instead went the other way and caught him with an outside-stroke.
Anglers make a cast, swing their fly through the pool, then take a step downstream.
And he relays commands to coaches, who then tell players when to swing, when to take a pitch, and how to run the bases.
Or just swing in for a cup of coffee and take advantage of its sprawling, outdoor seating and ample board game selection to pass the night away.
When business owners are in the midst of a positive social mood swing, they are more apt to take on more debt to grow their businesses.
It would take an implausibly large swing of around 8% for the Tories to form a government.
"Every time you mention the party, take credit or talk about the past, you lose swing voters, " says a Gore partisan of how Gore's consultants answer his concerns.
For determining the swing trade profit potential, I roll back to a weekly chart to take my read.
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But if you are trying to decide whether to rent or to buy, and you take a purely financial point of view, it's risky to rely on brisk home-price appreciation to swing the argument.