"This round can't do me any harm, " said Dyson, who flew back from Chicago on Monday night, then caught another flight to Prague and after that had to take a train to Ostrava.
Nina Walker, of Woburn in suburban Boston, said she had to shovel about 8 inches of snow off her driveway before driving to Boston's South Station to take a train to New York.
But you also include a Honduran grandmother who takes care of her nine grandchildren, and she talks about being willing to take a dangerous ride on a freight train to come to the U.S. for a better life.
Connections often mean landing in one concourse, then having to take a train or a long walk to another concourse.
Instructions came to take the ransom on a night train to Mumbai five days after the abduction.
It doesn't take a lot of training to train paramedics to use this drug, perhaps a day at best.
She's afraid to take her usual train to her job at a Boston hospital, walking or taking cabs instead.
The Brooklyn Nets planned to take a train home instead of flying from Washington D.
The Nets planned to take a train home instead of flying because of the expected blizzard in the New York area.
All of which leaves riders wondering why Amtrak has spent so much effort advertising its free Wi-Fi as a reason to take the train when the service is so unreliable.
In other situations, the decision about how to reach a particular destination may depend on personal preference, such as the traveler who chooses to take the train to work instead of a car.
Now sales representatives can see if a new customer's cars can easily hitch onto a direct train or whether they will need to take a more circuitous, and costly, route.
It is also to prevent the government -- give safe space to the Afghan government as it continues to take control, and to give us a time to train up Afghan national security forces, which we are doing.
King's Lynn is also a similar distance to King's Cross station, where tourists will then be able to take a seven-minute transfer to the Olympic Park via a new high-speed train.
Google's transit directions pulled in data from multiple services -- you could take a city bus to an unrelated train system traveling across state lines.
Was it worth the cost of my son's college tuition, which gave him entry to the magazine internship, to have his decision-making abilities honed by making split-second choices about whether to take the A train or the No. 3 train?
WSJ: Steve Cohen: Minimum Wage for Interns? It Misses the Point
So a few years and a billion pounds or so later, the great architect delivers his monumental vision - a cloud-tickling skyscraper, a giant gleaming obelisk that emerges from London Bridge train station like a rocket about to take off.
People travelling from Camberley to London now have to take the slow train or drive five miles to Farnborough to get a train which takes 43 minutes.
Helicopter pilots are a scarce resource who take years to train.
In hot countries, falconers take their children to the desert and train them to handle the bird and establish a mutual relationship of trust.
In Mongolia, Morocco, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, for example, falconers take their children to the desert and train them to handle the bird and build a relationship of trust with it.
Literature fans may want to take a brief side trip to Tegna where the author Patricia Highsmith (Strangers on a Train, The Talented Mr. Ripley) spent the last years of her life (her grave is in the Tegna cemetery).
"Obviously, it was a bad idea" to take them on the train, he told the newspaper.
People will understand that many of these improvements will take time because it takes 5 years to train a doctor, 4 years to train a pharmacist, and 3 years to train a nurse or midwife.
There were tears in the foyer as hotel staff queued up to take pictures of the press corps - then sent a couple of brave porters on to the bullet train platform to pursue us out of the station waving the flag of St George.
Once they reach the mountain's base via train, passengers will take one of 17 gondolas up to a ski resort and Olympic competition venues.
Take the Narita Express train just one stop (about a 10-minute ride) to the city of Narita, where a trail of local shops and restaurants line the path to the Naritasan Shinshoji Temple.
When the train reached York, Mr Primo decided to phone ahead to a take-away restaurant.