"I tell patients to go out and take a walk when that happens, " says Dr. Harris.
There was a traffic jam because a buffalo decided to take a walk on the road.
After 25 years of commercial use, we take a walk down the memory lane of cellular phones.
His family allows him to take a walk now and then, provided he stays within a limited area.
"I'm afraid I need to take a walk before dessert, " announces my then-boyfriend, pushing back his chair and standing.
Hilda proposed that they take a walk right away, before it got dark.
"You can't just take a walk and get away from somebody, " Kanas said.
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Take a walk down any Portuguese shopping street and Spanish names stand out.
To adjust to the altitude, get out of your hotel room, board room or meeting room and take a walk.
If not, take a walk, go to a ball game, do anything to keep your fingers away from that execute key.
It has tennis shoes, socks, deodorant and perfume for hot days when she needs to get out of the office and take a walk.
And I said, you know, I just desperately want to take a walk through Central Park again, and just remember what that feels like.
Instead of riding the touristy tram to the famous mountain-top statue of Christ the Reedemer, you can take a walk to the base through the jungle, past refreshing small waterfalls on the way.
Another tactic: Build time for mind wandering into daily routines, breaking away from tasks requiring concentration to take a walk or run, look out a window or do some relaxing, routine physical task.
Take a walk away from the cubicle.
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But very frequent travellers may not have that option - the constant transition from place to place leaves little time to take a walk, prepare and eat a healthy meal at home or stick with a training regimen at the gym.
Make regular stops -- every two hours for a puppy, every three to four hours for a cat or an adult dog -- so your pet can take a walk on a leash (some cats enjoy a little leash walk).
The square is also home to the Rath Museum (a fine arts gallery), and near to Bastions Park, where you can take a walk between competition recitals, indulge in a hot chocolate, or even play a game of lifesize chess.
Checkers was a gift, as we all know, but in the case of Brownie Mr. Nixon found the dog wandering around the property of his New Jersey home one night, when he went out to take a walk, and then there it was, trotting in the front door.
In the future, surgeons may be able to take an MRI of, say, a liver and duplicate the picture on computers to take a virtual walk through the organ to plan for surgery.
Take a long walk on the beach or in the park and think about nothing at all.
Grabbing morning joes and afternoon pick-ups are essential parts of the day for millions of people worldwide, providing an excuse to step outside, take a short walk and rejuvenate.
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