This year, congressional seats are being fought within boundaries adjusted to take account of population shifts.
The Scottish Qualifications Authority has urged teachers to take account of mistakes which can undermine pupils.
We have also to take account of what is happening to food and energy prices.
Many thought that quotas might at least be adjusted to take account of reality.
ECONOMIST: Disharmony at OPEC breeds uncertainty over the oil price
Others will be expanded to take account of increases in the birth rate and new housing developments.
When you have that many number ones, it's time to stop and take account and he refused.
We try to invest in companies that take account of commitment to the environment and social responsibility.
And the net has to take account of the fixed costs as well as the marginal ones.
FORBES: Insane Calculation: It Costs More To Send A Text Next Door Than To Mars
Because they failed to take account of the social nature of television, not one has caught on.
The lawyer claimed "Harris lines" were something a paediatrician would not take account of in day-to-day practice.
Others thought that the formula, for all its complexity, failed to take account of their particular circumstances.
Predictions based on past patterns of mortality, they say, fail to take account of trends among the young.
ECONOMIST: Obesity may threaten life expectancy. Or maybe not
He said that to truly understand the human condition, we had to take account of this third drive.
Most have not modified their marketing and sales approach to take account of changes in customer buying behavior.
That suggested its earlier estimate failed to take account of tens of billions of dollars in economic activity.
These figures do not take account of the growth of Skype, whose software permits free calls between computers.
Under 5% have made any attempt to reorganise their operations to take account of the new market economy.
But Dr Bennett said the service needed to take account of the fact that the market was changing.
The first received training on how to adjust their insulin intake to take account of their changing diet.
Most countries are therefore likely to follow Britain's lead, and allow insurers to take account of genetic tests.
Investors are not yet charging higher risk premiums on government borrowing to take account of these demographic risks.
ECONOMIST: Demography and public finance: Relegation ahead | The
The logical solution would be to update the formula, to take account of half a century's worth of hydrology.
And I think any political leader has to take account of the role they play in the political debate.
The idea that central banks need to take account of asset prices when setting monetary policy is hardly new.
ECONOMIST: Should central banks try to target asset-price inflation?
There is a need to take account of China's domestic audience in the light of anything the leadership says.
It seems many school designers and PFI developers failed to take account of heat from kids, computers and lights.
The key here is to take account of where you do most of your spending and align your rewards accordingly.
They may force American portfolio managers to take account of newly revealed political risks, or face lawsuits from aggrieved shareholders.
There are also worries among teachers that the new orthodoxy on targets and testing does not take account of individual qualities.
For Mohan Rao, it is an example of how even the Cairo consensus fails to take account of the developing world.