Today, archers in period costume still take aim at targets on the grounds as though preparing for war.
Clash, Michael Maiello and Josephine Lee take aim at the operators of the hedge funds.
Take aim at what you want to become, and consistently work hard to get better.
Speculators prefer to take aim at currencies, such as the real, that are more obviously overvalued.
However, an increasing number of viruses are customised to take aim at specific industries, nations or companies.
Mr. Herrera isn't the first public official to take aim at energy drinks and how they are marketed.
The network's few conservative commentators, such as former Republican Party chairman Michael Steele, take aim from the right.
Several bills in Congress take aim at the accounting industry, promising increased oversight.
Gore, however, continued to take aim at some of Bradley's votes in the Senate, which Gore says ran counter to farmers' interests.
Perhaps one of them has a story that will persuade him to pull on his belt and take aim at one more disruption.
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Featuring everything from tap questing to guilds and raids, Dawn of Dragons is poised to take aim at the current sweet spot for mobile engagement.
We would not be surprised to see Toyota take aim at Consumer Reports if they are unable to replicate these results in their own tests.
Other advances in recent years include so-called targeted treatments that take aim at the underlying genetic mutations that fuel tumor growth drugs like Roche Holding AG's Zelboraf for melanoma.
He did say he could envision times when policy could take aim at assets, which the performance of a given sector posed a threat to overall economic health.
Investigators later found the spot where the killer had waited to take aim, the committee said -- a stairway between the fifth and sixth floors of a nearby building.
CNN: Russia investigators hunt assassin who killed mafia boss
They take aim at one or more of three emerging targets: These are peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs), which are akin to master relay switches that control how the body uses sugar and fat.
Espaillat, 57, who would have been the first Dominican-American to serve in the House, used his background to court Latino votes and take aim at the 82-year-old Rangel over his long tenure in Washington and his ethics abuses.
CNN: Rangel as resilient as Harlem-area district he represents
After marvelling at the grace of, say, a white pelican gliding after a school of fish, he would take aim with his hunting rifle, using fine shot so that the bird was not blown to pieces in the process.
With so many superior mousing alternatives, there's no reason any respectable gamer should need to take aim with the touchpad, but those willing to try (or those who accidentally left their peripherals at home) will at least find it relatively well-suited to the task.
It didn't take long for console warriors, fanboys and a brutal media to take aim at Nintendo's Wii U. The fledgling system was relentlessly teased for its name (seemingly even sillier than that of its predecessor) and a list of specifications certain to be outdone by its competitors.
Most of his security team is based at headquarters in Menlo Park, Calif. and sits at clusters of desks close enough to take dead aim at one another with Nerf darts.
I'd like to take some of the lessons that I learned this week on, so I hope to aim to take public transport to work at least three days per week and possibly more if my employers can come up with some alternative to using my own car for site visits and meetings.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Scotland's public transport on trial
At the moment, 8m people in poor and middle-income countries take them and the aim is to increase that to 15m.
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Yet just as divorce law in most countries now strongly encourages mediation rather than courtroom battles, new forms of collaborative drafting aim to take the sting out of premarital negotiations.
They are not painters in the conventional sense for they do not aim to take paint to a blank canvas, ask you to see the perfect version of an imperfect thing, offer you a snapshot of something beautiful.
The aim is to take the workings of comparison engines a little further.
The Constitution Party came too late to field a candidate in the 2012 presidential election, but Mr ElBaradei said the aim was to take power in 2016, with Egyptians united behind democracy.
Take Accion Investments in Microfinance (AIM), a for-profit equity fund created in 2003 to provide capital to microfinance institutions (MFIs) working in challenging markets where such funding was typically unavailable.
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Mr Maliki's aim is not only to take seats from Mr Allawi.
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As head of the large institutional money manager, she succeeded in the orderly world of index funds, which aim to control risk and take the guesswork out of investing.