Students also use the results to decide which subjects to take as full A-levels.
It could take as long as six months for families to be paid child benefit.
If they are eligible for it it's wholly their money to take as they wish.
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Because here is my take as a very frequent longtime flier and travel industry professional.
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The entire project is expected to take as long as 15 years to complete.
New plants typically take as long as three years before they produce their beans.
The drive to Manhattan can take as little as 15 minutes without traffic, brokers say.
Occasional revelations like this are just a risk we take as an unavoidable consequence.
Too bad it could take as long as five days to get the results.
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Of course, venues try to take as big a cut of that as they can.
And for Rita, she might take as long as two years to finish a poem.
Still, Duma said, it may take as many as 20 years to reach a firm conclusion.
How on earth could it take as long as six-months to answer these and related questions?
You can take, you know, you can take as many precautions as possible.
When you're playing in slams, I just think each day you need to take as it comes.
Sir Norman said the police investigation into the four deaths would "take as long as it needs".
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Some of those characters argue or carp in give-and-take as sharp as a newly stropped tonsorial tool.
And I'm going to try to take as many questions as I can in the time remaining.
It will take as long to go through it as it would take to go around, admits Humborstad.
Ford, for instance, wants to take as much as 750 pounds out of its future vehicles by 2020.
Poole still remembers the passenger who removed a fire extinguisher from the plane to take as a souvenir.
And, there is no reason why this should take as long in Africa as it did in developed countries.
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Students could take as much candy as they wanted, as long as they paid with Pride Paws or IOUs.
Consider the impact of plastic water bottles, which take as long to biodegrade.
Or put another way, how much pressure can we take as we factor ever more factors into our decision-making?
As one banker put it me, things usually take as long to unwind as they did to build up.
If he is, the inspectors can take as much time as they want.
Mr Annan has declared that it may take as long as ten years to set all this to rights.
The U.S. Forest Service estimates that getting all its roads fully certified could take as much as a decade.
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