While hotel fees for newspapers are rare, there are a lot of other fees that take travellers by surprise.
"The number of sites of disorder was something we hadn't experienced in the city before - and that did take us by surprise, " he said.
The meteor event in Russia on Friday is a sobering reminder that space is a busy place, and that space rocks can take us by surprise.
Instead, suicide tends to take us by surprise, as loved ones or friends gradually shut us out of their suffering, to protect us or because they fear the reaction.
The kingdom did take analysts by surprise, however, by saying it would seek to raise its capacity to as much as 15m barrels a day by 2018, up from 11.4m now.
This week, a proposal to tax cars by the mile seemed to take the country by surprise.
At first, the ferocity of his critics appeared to take Mr Henkel by surprise.
But the information the Russians reportedly provided was incorrect, and it may actually have helped U.S. forces take the Iraqis by surprise.
The French right-of-centre newspaper Le Figaro reports that Mr Hollande's announcement on the TF1 channel appeared to take party colleagues by surprise.
The deluge on Monday - which appeared to take the authorities by surprise - saw people sleep in their cars or abandon them as motorways and A roads clogged up.
And when they do, they may take their own inventor by surprise.
Ironically, these revelations seemed to take the Russian defence ministry by surprise.
Mr Putin's attack seemed to take Mr Medvedev and his circle by surprise.
Why did David Cameron take his own deputy as well as some senior figures in his own party by surprise by pulling the plug on all-party talks to create a new press regulator?
Mack did not say how long the group expected its work would take or whether it could ultimately influence the terms set by NYSE and Archipelago in their surprise deal.
Strachan made a surprise appearance at the tribute match to take a bow and was given a warm round of applause by home fans who had not been unanimous in their support for the former Aberdeen and Manchester United midfielder despite his success with the club.