Singing pro-Aristide songs and holding up images of the former president, his supporters said they had pledged totakehim from his home to the court and back.
Last week, the judge ruled that the results could not be used because police failed to read Bryant his rights when they informed him they had a court order totakehimto the hospital for the exam.
And it is extremely difficult to unseat the president if he refuses to quit: either members of the federal parliament would have totake a case against himto the constitutional court, or he would have to be convicted of a felony.
He appealed to the Supreme Court, claiming that forcing himtotake the drugs would breach his rights under the first, fifth and sixth amendments of the constitution.
Should the court rule Shambo should be put down then assembly government appointed vets arriving totakehim from the temple will be faced worshippers praying outside.
The ruling says Bryant indicated he would not go to the hospital, and the detectives then informed him they had a court order saying they could takehim for such an exam.
Of course, if you have plans to press charges against your troll or sue him or her you may need totake the more laborious route to get the evidence to stand up in court.