The figures do not take into account many Spaniards who have left in search of work but are still on the census.
How can educational policies take into account the many meanings and multidimensional concept of quality education?
UNESCO: Quality in educational policy: Research and foresight
But that estimate does not take into account the many who play it in on the Xbox 360, iPhones, Android handsets, on Kindles or on a growing number of other devices.
While the government will only take existing analogue stations off air when 95% of housholds have access to digital TV, this does not take into account the many homes where the main television is digital-compatible but second or third sets are not.
More generally, it will be important to try to take into account the fact that many of the neighboring countries have ethnic groups from their country represented in Afghanistan, and therefore will be concerned about their welfare.
It also fails to take into account the rise in quality and fall in price of many goods since Mexico opened up its economy in the 1990s, argues Mr de la Calle.
The White House suggests that we redirect as many as 50, 000 visas that take into account factors such as an immigrant's education, training, and language skills as well as the employment needs of the country.
CNN: Commentary: Immigration plan unites far right and far left
Take into account the weakened dollar as well as economic growth, and in many countries the arms spending looks less threatening.
The snowstorm measuring systems take into account the size of the snowstorm, the amount of snow and how many people were in its path.
"In considering new board members, we certainly take into account any time constraints that serving on other boards might create, among many other considerations, " says U.S. Steel spokesman Michael Dixon.
Many countries today have privacy regulations, but few have been updated to take into account new capabilities like mobile services.
FORBES: Does The Mobile Internet Mean The Death Of User Privacy?
At the bottom you'll find refresh on the left and settings on the right, though you won't find many opportunities to take advantage of it -- settings offers the ability to sign into a different account and view the obligatory legal and privacy docs.