Beginner surfers can also take lessons on the more moderate 3ft waves in Turtle Bay.
And I decided to take lessons and find out everything I could about the horn.
Nonetheless, modern people may be able to take lessons from the long-lived Tikal technology, he said.
To reach the intermediate level, most instructors say you must take lessons for one to two years.
To counter the tendency toward aloofness, Martin insists that floorwalkers take lessons on how to be friendly and approachable.
Learners could also take lessons on motorways, which is banned at present.
Mr Boateng said he refused to take lessons on law and order from members of the previous Conservative administration, saying crime had doubled under it.
Although it seems a bit odd to take lessons in core competences and shareholder value from an autocrat who balances handbags and cognac, Mr Arnault's plan has some logic.
Despite yet another catastrophic season, Dickey has risen to the heights of professional achievement as a baseball pitcher, with a 20 winning game season, and has done it in a manner displaying leadership skills that we can all take lessons from.
This gives 15 pupils at Birkwood Primary School the opportunity to take music lessons.
Under the Home Secretary's proposals, asylum seekers will be required to take English lessons.
So take these lessons, learn from the past, and keep that promotion in your sights.
Ms Sturgeon said she would take no lessons from Labour on standing up for the public sector.
Year four pupils take six lessons in the language during school hours as part of the citizenship curriculum.
We must take the lessons of our key seats into all our seats.
Maybe, if other organizations take these lessons to heart it will prevent future abuses and save others from becoming victims.
And I think after that you can take those lessons and apply it to the novel and it'll be much, much better.
Instead of studying biotechnology together, they find time to take singing lessons.
Netanyahu should take two lessons from Obama's behavior at the ceremony.
He said these Funds would help youngsters cover costs when going to college, take driving lessons, or pay for a deposit on their first rented flat.
The second step is take the lessons in self-control that we each started learning as children of 2 or 3, and apply them consciously and consistently.
In our system, you can't just take piano lessons.
WSJ: Jean-Yves Thibaudet | A Classicist in the Modern Age | Cultural Conversation by Stuart Isacoff
This is a more-or-less permanent state of affairs, because Mr O'Konek's contract says he does not have to take language lessons for three years (he wants to devote himself to the telecoms business first).
Other celebrities could take some lessons from Gaga.
FORBES: Just When You Thought Lady Gaga Couldn't Get Any More Awesome
But he put in vast hours to improve his fielding, initially as a first baseman, then as a left fielder, going so far at one point as to take dancing lessons to sharpen his coordination.
"We want to take the lessons learned from electronics and semiconductor industries (about pollution) and get ahead of some of these problems, " said John Smirnow, vice president for trade and competitiveness at the nearly 500-member Solar Energy Industries Association.
Once someone shows you how to do a page or two, what line editing is like, how you change a sentence, how you revise, how you cut extra words, how you get rid of what you don't need, you can take those lessons and apply it to the rest of the book.
The Asian giant can take a few lessons from its developed neighbors, says BCA Research.
The report advocates having teachers take children for lessons outdoors when possible, with urban schools using parks.