Nonetheless, modern people may be able to take lessons from the long-lived Tikal technology, he said.
Despite yet another catastrophic season, Dickey has risen to the heights of professional achievement as a baseball pitcher, with a 20 winning game season, and has done it in a manner displaying leadership skills that we can all take lessons from.
Ms Sturgeon said she would take no lessons from Labour on standing up for the public sector.
Netanyahu should take two lessons from Obama's behavior at the ceremony.
Other celebrities could take some lessons from Gaga.
FORBES: Just When You Thought Lady Gaga Couldn't Get Any More Awesome
The Asian giant can take a few lessons from its developed neighbors, says BCA Research.
Perhaps the Blair administration should take a few lessons from, say, Lord Archer, a much-mocked but unabashed Tory peer, on how to roll with the punches.
"We want to take the lessons learned from electronics and semiconductor industries (about pollution) and get ahead of some of these problems, " said John Smirnow, vice president for trade and competitiveness at the nearly 500-member Solar Energy Industries Association.
So take these lessons, learn from the past, and keep that promotion in your sights.
To consider the value of case studies, I asked the Enterprise 2.0 folks on Twitterverse what lessons they take back from case studies in particular.
FORBES: Case Studies Provide The Best Insight Into Successful Culture In Social Businesses
But the real lessons to take away from Enron and WorldCom are that financial reporting can never be an exact science, and that managers will be as greedy as they can get away with.
What lessons do you take from the launch of Research In Motion PlayBook?
As you read it, write down the 3 or 4 most immediate key lessons that you take away from the story.
The lessons we can take away from their experiences can be invaluable.
FORBES: Thanksgiving Tips: 9 Great Business Skills Entrepreneurs Can Learn from the Pilgrims
Mr Boateng said he refused to take lessons on law and order from members of the previous Conservative administration, saying crime had doubled under it.
Venables: What personal lessons did you take away from that whole experience of playing that hugely iconic role for Star Trek science fiction fans all over the world?
FORBES: Bakula On Becoming Captain Jonathan Archer, Sci-Fi Fans and His Acting Career
And I am -- I'm -- you know, unfortunately, I don't think that they are typical of America, but you can still take a lot of wonderful lessons from what you heard from these people.
Immediately after the 2012 presidential race was called, pundits began to offer the conclusions and lessons the electorate should take from the race.
Although it seems a bit odd to take lessons in core competences and shareholder value from an autocrat who balances handbags and cognac, Mr Arnault's plan has some logic.
Take a look at these 16 lessons in customer services from a car salesman.
What lessons from your family members do you take to work?
WSJ: Boss Talk: Updating Doctors' Offices With the Help of Cloud Services
There are a few lessons you high school kids out there can take away from what happened.
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Take a moment to share with us lessons that you have learned from your Mom.
Transport Secretary Patrick McLoughlin said the report contained "serious findings", adding that the aviation industry "must act immediately to take the appropriate safety action and ensure that all lessons are learnt from what has happened".
Maybe, if other organizations take these lessons to heart it will prevent future abuses and save others from becoming victims.
The prime minister said it was important that everybody learned lessons from the Hutton inquiry which should be allowed to take its course.