And you can continue to take measures that strengthen those programs that do not harm beneficiaries.
He called on the USDA to take measures to restore confidence in the industry.
Speaking on radio, Mr Monti pledged to take measures to redistribute wealth in the country.
Another is to take measures to prevent abuse of government resources in the election campaign.
"The Indian government will have to take measures to step up their security in jails, " he said.
"The India government will have to take measures to step up their security in jails, " he said.
French officials said Monday they will take measures to ensure that no suspicious products remain for sale.
But cities can take measures that signal their eagerness to open their doors.
Among those has been a pledge to take measures to weaken the yen.
"It's unfortunate that policymakers in the 2000s and even before didn't take measures to raise our savings rate, " he says.
It urged users to take measures to keep their accounts secure by not sharing their passwords and using strong passwords.
So he is focused on doing what he can to take measures that will help the economy grow and create jobs.
The Indian obsession for jewelry has led to surging gold imports, causing the government to lately take measures to cool demand.
We need to take measures that will put teachers back in the classroom, which is something that creates a compound benefit.
And that is the economic environment in which this President took office and began to take measures to address that problem.
They advise employers who have sufferers to take measures such as job-rotation and reducing the time spent on the repetitive task.
So they can't go out and force people to take measures, like having fire walls, cleared-away lanes to prevent fire from spreading.
Japan's new Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, has promised to take measures to weaken the yen to help revive the country's struggling economy.
Under the directive member states are required to take measures to protect the pensions of employees in the event of their employer's insolvency.
"They must not take measures that in any way undermine the EU single market, " he said, adding: "we'll be watching like a hawk".
While it admitted that competitive interest rates were necessary to achieve that, it called upon the government to also take measures at its end.
We must take measures now, to get our GDP growing now.
FORBES: A Tax Plan That Will Reverse Greece's Ugly Implosion
If this is in a certain area not the case, then we have an argument to take measures to lower or to increase the response time.
When sophisticated cyberspies have access to a network for many months, they often take measures to cover their tracks and to conceal what they have stolen.
The situation in Europe is one that we believe Europe has the capacity to address and is taking measures and needs to take measures to address.
This is a good time to find out what could derail your retirement and take measures to prevent big mistakes and protect what you have already done.
Mines allowed to restart would have to take measures to prevent any run-offs of mining wastes into water bodies and comply strictly storage and transport rules, he added.
Among the various measures that have been proposed by Mr Abe, has been the call for Japan's central bank to take measures to stoke inflation in the country.
It was also recommended that the government of Nigeria declare the year 2013 National Literacy Year, and take measures to mobilize the country for this major literacy push.
That was more a reference to general economic analysis says if you take measures to increase economic growth by this percentage, it will result in this many jobs.