There may come a moment when simply a society refuses to take medicine administered from outside.
That they have to take medicine when they eat their meals wasn't a big deal.
Take medicine, which until now has resisted computer-like gains in price and capability.
The advice also stresses the need to make sure that children take medicine for conditions such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or for behavioural problems on the trip.
It's called the Pleo Reborn (or "RB" for short) and the primary features are these: a lithium-polymer battery good for two hours of continuous use, a much tougher hide, and an RFID "sense of smell" that lets it interact with a variety of optional accessories to "eat, " take medicine for virtual injuries and learn new tricks as you go.
ENGADGET: Pleo Reborn detailed by Innvo CEO, one lucky fan finds and buys the tiny dino (video)
And after you take the medicine, be aware of any change in effectiveness or side effects.
He needs to lie down in a darkened room and take his medicine.
She says he told her to take her medicine and rest and give herself time to heal.
One study found that 46% of recently diagnosed adult diabetics (type 2) don't take their medicine correctly.
Americans like people who come clean, who step up and admit their mistakes, take their medicine, and move on.
You keep it in camp, stick the zipper on and take your medicine.
Malpass worries about inflation, but he thinks the U.S. economy is strong enough to take the medicine of tighter Fed policy.
"We do make individual informed or uniformed decisions about whether I can have that test or whether I can take that medicine, " she says.
We are not there yet but the question may have to be faced: what happens if a eurozone country essentially refuses to take the medicine?
With luck, they will resist the temptation and take their medicine.
All the time watching the company having to take the medicine handed to it by the markets and the analysts for a decision taken years before.
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Vitality, an American firm, has come up with a cap for pill bottles that telephones hapless patients if they fail to take their medicine on time.
He comes when you call him, he can keep your daily routines and he reminds you when you have to take your medicine or reviews your agenda for the day.
In India and elsewhere, consumers once resigned to choking down bits of bark or fistfuls of leaves can now take traditional medicine in more palatable forms - pills, potions and powders.
The other 90% of the population who take the medicine are able to break codeine down in their cells to make morphine and hence receive a significant amount of pain relief.
And features that encourage patients to take their medicine and ensure it is working well should make a pill more valuable to insurers and national health systems, and thus justify higher prices.
In clinical trials, at least 80% of patients take their medicine. (If they don't, they wind up being nagged by counselors.) "Try getting that kind of compliance for a diet or exercise program, " he says.
In hopes of slowing the epidemic, Dr. Arata Kochi, director of WHO's global TB program, has been promoting DOTS therapy (directly observed treatment, short-course), whereby health-care workers watch patients take their medicine completely and correctly.
Voters may be reluctant to take the unsavory medicine that will eventually restore their economic health.
It is far from clear whether many of Europe's people will be prepared to take the German medicine, which involves years of austerity.
These countries will have to take the IMF medicine of debt restructuring and fiscal tightening that was meted out so often in previous emerging-market crises.
Dr Draghi appears to have recognised that moral hazard works both ways: there ought to be some reward for governments like Italy who agree to take their fiscal medicine.