But take my word for it: the basic idea is entirely peachy and dandy.
FORBES: Have John Doerr and Kleiner Perkins Invested Too Much In Cleantech?
That would be Nick's kitchen nightmare, and you don't need to take my word for it.
BBC: Nick Clegg: It's sausage time
Don't take my word for it -- all the reporters here, they can check on the facts on this thing.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on the American Jobs Act in Jamestown, North Carolina | The White House
It is not a good day when you get one of those delivered to you (again, take my word for it).
FORBES: There Are No Nice Prosecutors When You Are A Defendant
Take my word for it as a former whistleblower: the prospect of an improbable, distant financial reward rarely will cause an individual to risk almost certain and immediate unemployment, intense hostility and potential lifetime career damage.
FORBES: SEC to Whistleblowers: Call WikiLeaks, Not Us
Never one to take my own word for it, I asked a few friends to try this sparkler as well.
FORBES: Wine Of The Week: A Splendid Spanish Cava
I'll have to take his word for it, my own relationships with artificial intelligence thus far being rather limited.
WSJ: Storytelling's 'Now'