And the President feels very passionately that we need to take new measures to ensure that jobs are created and the economy grows.
The Iran Refined Petroleum Sanctions Act would allow the president to take new measures against Iran by imposing sanctions on the export of gasoline to the country.
Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff said this week that her administration had no plans to take any new measures against a rising currency.
New security measures will take time and money to implement.
If the Army fails to receive the money by May, it will be forced to take more drastic measures, including freezing new civilian hiring, releasing temporary employees, and canceling orders for parts, supplies, and services.
The Wisconsin Republican said he would present legislation on January 4, when the new Congress convenes, to take up those measures.
Kosovo's neighbours, Macedonia and Montenegro are also bracing for trouble, worried that a vengeful Serbia will take harsh measures against them if they recognise the new state.
Now, our starting point is we expect continuity in behavior from the North Korean leadership, but it is also the case that the new leadership has agreed to take specific confidence-building measures, which were announced today, and we view that as a positive step.
Did you even bother to read my letter, which went into great detail on what measures I would ask the new board to take?
Japan's new Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, has promised to take measures to weaken the yen to help revive the country's struggling economy.
It led to new security measures at airports around the world limiting the amount of liquids passengers could take on flights.
However, some question whether the new measures will alone be enough to spark real competition as new players will have to take on well-established brands with huge scale.
The sales price of new homes decline in China in August as the government high interest rates and other measures take their intended toll on the red hot real estate market, China Daily reported Sunday.
The meeting will be the first to take place with Haruhiko Kuroda in the governor's seat, and expectations are high that he will introduce new easing measures.
In a recent report, the cross-party Commons committee urged ministers to develop a new series of measures to tackle the harm caused by drug misuse and suggested an independent Royal Commission should take a fresh look at policy and the changing international context by 2015.