Would still take on board the parasite or would it never ingest it?
Officialdom and the public alike have yet to that take on board.
It is a lesson that other college presidents might take on board.
TfGM is looking for operators to take on board routes which are less profitable because they serve outlying areas or run at less popular times.
The IFS sounds quite enthused about the latter possibility, having found it hard to get the Treasury to take on board its recommendations for tax reform.
The leader of the council, Geoff Webber, believes the Government must work more closely with people living near the site, to understand and take on board their very real concerns.
The combination of those things is something that leaders, like Argentina's Nestor Kirchner, take on board, and may be something that discourages some Latin American leaders from climbing on board a US-backed agenda.
The program doesn't add to or detract from the overall security measures at U.S. airports, as all those who board planes are still subject to the same standards of what they take on board.
It's all right me asking them to do it, they've got to take it on board.
It's partly an education and training issue because adult psychiatry needs to take it on board.
The majority of the work streams take on-board the essential aspects of our future policy for population and migration.
BBC: NEWS | Europe | Guernsey | States passed population strategy
Just listen to what the others have got to say, take it on board, weigh it up and then make a decision.
Swansea City fans travelling by train to Wembley for Monday's Championship play-off final have been warned not to take alcohol on board.
Now, sometimes, as I suspect happened with Cook and Mayer, executives take on these board seats at an earlier stage of their careers.
FORBES: All Operating Executives Should Never Serve On Any Outside Boards
"It is clear to me that people are very concerned about executive remuneration and good companies should take that on board, " he said.
Commenting on the move to appoint outside directors for the first time, despite the relative insularity of Japanese businesses, Mr. Toyoda said the company wants to improve transparency after years of requests by shareholders to take on external board members.
"Fota's public stance before this meeting was that they weren't in the mood for negotiation or compromise - and if we take that on board, the fact that they've got their way today must be seen as something of a capitulation by the FIA, " reported BBC Five Live's David Croft.
And Edwards has suggested in the past that it may be better for the club if Ferguson moved on when his managerial career was over rather than take a seat on the board.
He believes too many don't think it's their problem or are too unwilling to take on the alumni and board members who may be against any dramatic changes when it comes to alcohol policies on campus.
"The original London streets on the traditional board will now take on a distinct island twist but we need the public's help to do this and would be very grateful if suggestions could be offered, " he said.
"If someone gets suicidal, you have to take care of it on board, " Kanas said.
CNN: Mars on the brain? Red Planet pioneers to face cosmic mind trip
Does it matter if we take all of this on board in a literal fashion?
They took Thompson out for dinner last week and secured his agreement to take a place on the board.
"We will work hard an take everything we learnt on board, " said Taibu.
I'll take all their judgements on board and then see what happens.
Sometimes they forget to take their navigation systems on board.
Saleh Sulong, Hicom's managing director, stepped in, but only until Mr Yahaya's daughter, who now sits on the board, is ready to take on her father's role.