Instructors emphasized to the moppers to only take orders from umpires, who sometimes disregard player requests.
WSJ: When These Olympians Say Their Job Is 'No Sweat,' They Mean It
Chinese manufacturers take orders from Western companies that have designed products for their home markets.
We're here to take orders from them, not go give orders to them.
In 1960 a Catholic running for president had to persuade the Protestant majority that he would not take orders from the pope.
Mitsubishi wants to take orders from companies that are too small to deal directly with the likes of Nippon Steel, Japan's biggest steel maker.
Unkind critics note that Mr Duisenberg's previous experience of running monetary policy, as head of the Dutch central bank, was to take orders from the German Bundesbank.
But will big countries like France take orders from Brussels?
Serb KPS officers in the north have refused to take orders from Pristina since independence and work to the UN instead, while in other Serb areas they have simply resigned.
It's clear that Mr. Obama chose Mr. Hagel not because he wants a strong and knowledgeable adviser but because he wants a cipher who will take orders from the White House.
They should decline to take orders from slow payers.
FORBES: Procter & Gamble: Basis Point Wise, Percentage Point Foolish
The BBC's Rana Jawad in the capital, Tripoli, says the country is still awash with weapons and there are lone regional and city brigades as well as some rogue militia groups that only take orders from themselves.
War veterans have repeatedly said they only take orders from Mr Mugabe, but they too are becoming increasingly frustrated and angry that, a month after the elections, they still have not been given the land they were promised.
If the technology successfully drives costs lower, it could be a welcome boost for Hollywood, which, despite selling the world tales of futuristic sophistication, is as an industry often behind the curve in technology--images are stored on bulky, perishable film stock and large crews of technicians take orders from essentially paper-based offices.
American troops from Afghanistan to Iraq and beyond take their orders from a man who is retiring early.
But in Strpce, Serb KPS officers still take their orders from headquarters in Urosevac, the nearest big Albanian town, arguing that the local community needs their protection.
But under U.S. law, a banker can't advertise securities products or take orders on transactions from U.S. clients without being registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Now it has orders from customers to take 20 megawatts worth of panels.
Like Google, exfm is a registered DMCA (Digital Millenium Copyright Act 1998) safe harbor and will comply to any take-down orders for infringing links from copyright holders.
FORBES: Exfm: 3 Years Old And Still A Cool Tool To Discover Music On The Open Web
And banks are strapped for capital and under orders from regulators not to take substantial new financial risks.
Boeing has more than 800 unfilled orders from airlines around the globe that will take years to fill.
More specifically, it's seeking to banish "a significant obstacle to consumer choice and competition in the market for bundled communications services" by allowing disconnect orders from the new provider (read: Verizon) to take the place of, you know, the customer calling up their carrier and shutting things down.
ENGADGET: Verizon whines to FCC: make it easier for us to gain market share
Hungry Devils -- for now aimed at Motwani's fellow students -- lets people avoid the bother of telephoning for take out foods by placing the orders via the web at no extra cost, the income coming from charging a fee to participating restaurants.
Nunca Mais contends that the former official executed orders from government superiors, which forced the stricken ship out to high seas, instead of letting it take refuge in a port to try to contain the damage, Sanchez said.