The history of Irish republicanism shows that only when the conditions are right can dissident groups take over.
Events on the ground tend to take over what's happening at the diplomatic level.
Private contractors are to take over the maintenance of Britain's nuclear weapons on the Clyde.
He has settled problems within Umno, and he's now worried about who will take over.
But for the most part American diplomats will take over tasks so far performed by soldiers.
Reportedly, his widow, Carol, and his son, Mark Davis, will take over control of the team.
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"It's easy to let the bad habits take over, " Fiorina says with hard-eyed resolve.
"Don't let other people take over, " she said, standing outside the home where she was held.
When he grew tired, he admitted in court, he let his bodyguards take over.
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But can Chinese companies take over ailing American and European businesses and turn them around?
When EVs take over the widely criticized diesel market, they may get a more serious look.
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Is Leong--the only Lim grandchild working at Genting--being groomed to take over one day?
For example, Peachtree Hills is faltering as banks take over properties and vacancies rise.
Remember when Japan Inc. was going to take over the world in the 1980s?
Or should we let the private banking system take over and have regulators lay off?
Eventually Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) was going to need a new chief executive to take over.
Now, the Republicans who want to take over Congress offered their own ideas the other day.
Stephen Kavanagh will take over from Jim Barker-McCardle as Essex Chief Constable on Tuesday.
Edwards is soon to take over as the main presenter of BBC One's Six O'Clock News.
Unless it performs more credibly, and in a hurry, another police force should take over.
He's already bid unsuccessfully to take over Chrysler prior to its spinoff from Daimler.
But behind the scenes, Ms. Merkel was starting to take over the contingency planning.
Then after a couple of years, I will retire, and you can take over.
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Photos take over the entire screen, with the profile pic situated in the lower middle.
Democrats need fifteen seats in the House to take over there, six seats in the Senate.
By then it was time to step aside and let someone with field experience take over.
West was next in line to take over the farm after her father died.
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You showed small dealmakers how to mobilize large amounts of capital and take over big companies.
It took then-president Pervez Musharraf three months to forcibly take over the Red Mosque.
Helicopter operators have been bidding to take over RAF, Royal Navy and coastguard duties long-term.