If the user then proceeds to take photo of an individual, Smart Auto will switch to the Portrait scene mode - no manual interaction is required.
ENGADGET: Samsung expands SL camera lineup: SL820, SL620, SL202 and SL30
For example, if users who want to take a photo would use Facebook's camera app.
Then a youth walked towards Governor Stewart holding a camera and asked to take his photo.
Even when I take a photo next to a lamp, I get the purple problem.
It also allows you to take a photo while cruising and send it to your friends.
Double click start button, you get a button that when clicked will let you take a photo.
Airport workers take a photo of the device with the seat number, date and flight number written on it.
Your dining companion swats away your hand, scolding you for touching the appetizer before she could take a photo.
The app lets consumers take a photo of a product and find and purchase similar products on the internet.
For instance, tourists visiting a cemetery or religious site may want to take a photo of someone in a clearly emotional state.
"I don't need my mobile to show movies and take my photo, it's amazing enough as it is, " he says.
To be able to take a photo with my favorite models, doing what we did best, was a great day.
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This is because our copyright laws provide that if you take a photo, you own the copyright to that picture.
For sellers, they can take a photo using the Poshmark app, then select the price and quickly post it for sale.
You take a photo of the fish you caught, add the location of that mighty catch and share it with your friends.
With smart phones, you can take a photo and video, play games, locate your position and do countless of other useful things.
The way it works: The app asks users to take a photo of a creek or a stream they happen to be walking by.
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Clutching their cameras, a group of three 24-year-old girls waited patiently in a queue to take a photo by the Ministry of Railways building sign.
Point both NODE and an iPhone at an object being scanned and you can take a photo that displays the numerical reading on the image.
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The quality has improved to such a degree that here you can take your photo and then go to a booth and get a reasonable quality print.
"I think the person behind the artwork should be in my place ... all I did was take a photo, " she told the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.
I'd get a bicep workout just from holding this thing up to take a photo, and I can imagine the strange looks I would get from passersby.
When the dude used her phone to take a photo of himself (why do thieves always do this?) the photo automatically uploaded to her Facebook account.
The startup also released a listings app for iPhone that allows women to quickly take a photo of an item in their closet and list it for sale on the website.
CustomMade plans to release a mobile app that will let people to take a photo of an item and send it to CustomMade to request that something similar be made for them.
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The bum agreed, and for a while they walked along together in silence, stopping every now and then to allow the Argentine writer to move off to an appropriate distance and take a photo.
Since launching last year, the app has grown quickly because women can quickly take a photo of a piece of clothing and upload it to sell on Poshmark, says founder and CEO Manish Chandra.
Take a photo of his statue in downtown Augusta near James Brown Boulevard or catch a concert at the James Brown Arena (formerly the Augusta-Richmond County Civic Center and renamed in 2006 to honor Brown).
Smile Shot automatically triggers the SL820 and SL620 to take a photo only when a smile is detected on the subjects' faces, and Blink Detection will automatically fire two consecutive shots if a subject's eyes are closed.
ENGADGET: Samsung expands SL camera lineup: SL820, SL620, SL202 and SL30
Photographs are so easy to take and so ubiquitous that we're neglecting the craft of capturing images. (Before long, Google Glass, the high-tech glasses with a built-in camera, will let us take a photo of whatever we happen to be looking at.) While technology has imbued the minutia of our experience with meaning, it's also turning us into lazy photographers.