For example Tony Schwartz from The Energy Project has shown that when we take rest seriously we will almost certainly get much more done, our work will be of a higher standard, our thinking will be more accurate, and as a result our incomes are likely to rise.
Clarke plans to take the rest of this year off before returning to competitive golf when Europe take on Asia at the Royal Trophy in Bangkok in January.
In the short term the market might take a rest after the steep climb.
Each country has regulations governing the number of hours a pilot can fly before having to take a rest.
It should be 4, 000 maximum, then you take the rest and with that money you create a social security net.
Wilmott Dixon is carrying out the first stage of demolition work, which is expected to take the rest of the year.
"Andy wants to take some rest and recharge his batteries before a very gruelling period including the Beijing Olympics, " a spokesman said.
But in that sense, I would take the rest of my portion of my speculative dollars, and I love trading the domestic markets.
With the opposition parties now proposing legislation of their own, agreement on a new fiscal-stimulation package could take the rest of the year.
Dealers take two-thirds of Goodyear's tires, and carmakers take the rest.
The result is ASC will never be allowed into medicine while the fools wait for embryonic treatments which will take the rest of this century if ever.
Take the rest of the time to work at your other job, pay your bills, and spend some time with your wife and new baby on the weekends.
FORBES: A New Father's Struggle With Unemployment: 'How Will I Provide For My Family?'
Robots put chocolates into a box, sort apples, make salads and wield knives in chilly abattoirs, butchering carcasses without having to take a rest or visit the toilet.
"If it was in March, people could take a rest all January and February as well, " added Federer, who is aiming for his 10th Grand Slam at Melbourne Park.
The three-fourths completed road will allow tourists to bypass these villages and drive straight up to Manang, a larger town where many trekkers take a rest the night before crossing the pass.
Last year I submitted my essay to the LIFE Foundation, and won a scholarship which allowed me to take the rest of the classes I need to get my bachelors of science in social work.
Even if Li the Younger needs a partner in order to get HKT, the long-term game plan will still be the same: keep the ISP and the broadband parts and let the other partner take the rest.
CNN: ASIANOW - Asiaweek | Intelligence | Business: Pick up the Pieces
"This is the very best Christmas ever, " said Lewis, biting off as much of the turkey as he could fit in his mouth, and quickly swallowing it, before the yelling woman could take the rest of it away.
Having picked the injury up at Coventry before Christmas and trying to soldier on in some discomfort the doctors told me to take a rest after I somehow managed to get hit in exactly the same spot in every game after.
Scenes showing Michael Douglas --who plays an executive suing his female boss for sexual harassment--searching through virtual-reality software files came off as so far-fetched that it was tough for any mildly computer-savvy office worker to take the rest of the film seriously.
Even if others are keen on a field, however huge, in pristine jungle nearly 500 kilometres and a mountain range from the populated coast, new bids would take time: Perupetro, the state oil firm, says it would take the rest of 1998 to prepare bidding specifications, under the government's new plan to divide the deal into three: operation of the field, the main pipelines, and distribution.
I'll take breaks to rest my body, but I generally don't feel like I must take days off.
CNN: Daisuke Takahashi: Japan star on the importance of being 'gorgeous'
His doctors have asked him to take "complete rest" while he recuperates, Prime Minister Abdelmalek Sellal told state media.
Innovation and technology can and must take us the rest of the way, creating new jobs and new industries.
They add up to disposable personal income, and then other adjustments are needed to take you the rest of the way to total GDP.
"Playing the home side is definitely not easy and now that we have won, we can take on the rest of the matches with confidence, " the Italian boss said.
The new case was discovered after the baby girl's mother stopped treatment on her, and doctors realized that the virus was undetectable even without drugs, which HIV patients normally must take for the rest of their lives.
For a number of years, the FDA has been asking for these type of studies, where actual real world outcomes such as heart attacks are measured before approving a drug that patients will take for the rest of their lives.
FORBES: Will Merck's Failure With Tredaptive Impact How Drugs Are Approved in Europe?