He's calling for more government funding of basic research to help new ideas take root.
And we're seeing that bright future begin to take root in the broader Middle East.
These recommendations take root based on personal, face-to-face communication that establishes sellers as trusted sources.
FORBES: How Instant Mobile Commerce Will Disrupt The Way You Do Business
At stake is whether new jobs and industries take root in this country or somewhere else.
When their ideas take root, we get inventions that can change the way we live.
But technology and innovation are only just beginning to take root in higher (and secondary) education.
And central banks' credibility would suffer far more if they allowed deflation to take root.
Otherwise self-fulfilling expectations of inflation will take root, as they did in the 1970s.
These are the seeds of hate that we cannot let take root in our heart.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on Preventing Mass Atrocities
Yet more new funds are aimed at helping businesses to take root in poorer areas.
New jobs and new businesses will take root wherever they can find the most highly-educated, highly-skilled workers.
WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: Congress Must Act to Keep our Teachers on the Job | The White House
Ironically, what Koirala helped start in Bhutan in the 1950s did not immediately take root in Nepal.
We want those companies and jobs to take root here. (Applause.) Bill Gates gets this.
Still, the Legatum Institute argues that Rwanda shows that the rule of law can take root in Africa.
For lasting reconciliation to take root, Iraqis must feel confident that they do not need sectarian gangs for security.
Trees take root in the acidic brown water, which sustains them only to drown them during the next rainfall.
FORBES: Isolation Is The New Luxe! Find It By Speedboat In The Amazon
We've seen democracy take root in North Africa and in the Middle East.
We want new businesses and new opportunities to take root on the reservation.
Kazakhstan has warned Islamists that militancy will not be allowed to take root.
But the 1970s, the decade of Apple's birth, offers hope that hardy seeds can take root even in bad climates.
Some might argue that King Bhumibol shares the blame for the failure of democratic institutions to take root in Thailand.
"We're trying to encourage a bold round of public-sector innovation to help a handful of these ideas take root, " Anderson said.
And while there was no guarantee that broader European markets would cooperate, Ford seemed confident that its plan would take root.
Georgia's attackers employed "botnets, " or malicious automated programs that take root undetected in far-flung computers and barrage their targets with useless data.
Where they are planted, the most jobs and businesses will take root.
Our future as a nation depends on making sure that the jobs and industries of the 21st century take root here in America.
WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: Solar Power & a Clean Energy Economy
Mass media conditioning has made nonconformity or eccentricity more glaring and thus less likely to flourish or take root in the first place.
Democracy has hardly had a chance to take root in the small Islamic island nation (population: about 400, 000, plus lots of honeymooning tourists).
ECONOMIST: Rival leaders bicker, and vie for help from India
Gold and silver, led by crude oil, will spike if talks between the US and UK for joint military action in Libya take root.
FORBES: Gold, Silver, Oil Will Spike To New Highs If US-UK Attack Libya
The stalemate over decommissioning and Sinn Fein ministers has fed the scepticism of those who doubt that peace can take root in Northern Ireland.