Women's groups say police are less likely to take seriously complaints from such marginalized communities.
The only way I will be successful is if I take seriously the advice to schedule.
And we take seriously concern expressed by members about questions they have about our mission here.
See, I take seriously the importance of fathers -- men -- in the lives of children.
At first potential clients would not take seriously a security firm run by a woman.
It's important for elected officials to keep in mind that principles are something voters take seriously.
So they geared their advertising campaign to producing a large number which other people would take seriously.
But this psychologizing only exposes the inability of climate activists to take seriously the rational case for inaction.
It is a serious message that governments and institutions, including the World Bank, are beginning to take seriously.
Attorney General Schneiderman has referenced 129 customer servicing problems which we take seriously and will work quickly to address.
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Hopefully, the PTO will take seriously the potential problems created by its proposal.
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PFL, Mr Cardoso created a new ministry of institutional reform, a fiction that not even its begetters take seriously.
Because we believe in human dignity, we should take seriously the protection of life from exploitation under any pretext.
It's also hard to take seriously the suggestion that something should be done to reduce the power of the whips.
Mr O'Neill had become something of a joke in the financial markets, which found him increasingly difficult to take seriously.
The next best thing might be binding rules that force southern governments to take seriously those things dear to German voters.
Worse, it will send a message to polluters that we don't take seriously our air, water, wildlife, communities or economic health.
"We take seriously even the suggestion that any SEC employee would engage in insider trading, " SEC spokesman John Nester said late Thursday.
Hardened criminals never take seriously the maximum sentences contemplated by an indictment.
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It means that we take seriously issues mental health and school safety.
And that is absurd and hard to take seriously his specific plan.
The difference between American and Israeli red line, of course, is that the latter may actually take seriously the breaching of theirs.
We obviously want to see Congress take this seriously and both -- all four leaders who do the appointing to take it seriously.
But I think we all take seriously -- Republicans and Democrats -- the need to tighten our belts and live within our means.
What we are far less sure how to do is to take seriously a public figure's seemingly admirable character and professions of higher purpose.
Then something unprecedented happened: its leaders decided to take seriously the clauses in successive education acts saying that it should consider suppliers other than itself.
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Now a group of parents in Sevenoaks has collected 2, 200 signatures, forcing Kent County Council to take seriously their campaign for a new grammar school.
No one in Washington, from Congress to Pennsylvania Avenue, will fail to understand that Americans take seriously their moral obligation to address the climate crisis.
Although political Islam has largely been barred from politics, the Islamist renaissance has prompted governments to take seriously their role as guardians of Islamic practice.
So the US dream was destined for decline when their politicians did not take seriously what some of their greatest scientists and engineers were telling them.
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