Despite Saadi's gloomy outlook, potential answers to the battery problem are beginning to take shape in laboratories.
With a similar model beginning to take shape in Europe and the U.S., he is eyeing joint ventures and purchases.
Certain significant patterns begin to take shape in the mind -- even though the instructions are still gobbledygook and the toy doesn't work.
Two brand-new stadiums are starting to take shape in eastern Ukraine.
The reactor itself will start to take shape in 2009.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | States sign nuclear energy pact
As things take shape in Brooklyn, other cities are watching.
The changes will take shape in early summer with the introduction of new products and new ads from London's Bartle, Bogle, Hegarty, creator of memorable spots for Levi's, Audi and Johnny Walker.
Critics of the UPP (Pacifying Police Unit) in Rio de Janeiro are quick to question how community organization and development projects will take shape in the years leading up to the World Cup and Olympics.
FORBES: Alternative Models For Community Development Emerge Far From Rio's Bright Lights
Mr. JACK RILEY (Director, RAND Corporation Center on Quality Policing): But that doesn't in any way, shape or form take away from the fact that black residents in Cincinnati experienced policing very different from white residents.
That shifts the debate back to two big questions: what is university for and what shape should university education take in the future?
Another biomarker of interest is a protein called tau, implicated in the neurofibrillary tangles -- which basically take the shape of cells and destroy them -- that build up in the brains of Alzheimer's patients, particularly in the memory center called the hippocampus.
In 2007, Dennis Spurr, a butcher from the Fantastic Sausage Factory in Weymouth, Dorset, was reportedly told to take down a sign showing five sausage rings in the shape of the Olympic logo, with 2012 written underneath.
And the investment trusts are in no shape to take their place.
Finally, a Milanese manufacturer opened its doors, and Troubadour Goods, which launched in April, began to take shape.
But afraid of a deflation that is quite simply not deflation, the Fed will use all of its powers to prop up the housing and mortgage assets that necessarily need to fall in order for a recovery to take shape.
The implications of Facebook's recent announcement that it is now in the movie business have begun to take shape.
Their first winemaker developed a drinking problem, and when John Shafer finally convinced his son, by then a graduate of UC Davis's viticulture program, to take over as winemaker, the cellar was in abominable shape, full of mold, spoiled wine and a bacterial taint called Brettanomyces, which spoiled their 1981 vintage.
It was only in 1951 that the European Union began to take shape through the Treaty of Paris and the European Steel and Coal Community.
The MTV set at the Odyssey is still very much a work in progress, but it is starting to take shape, with two chic silver stages and glamorous seating areas.
Keith Gumbinger, a vice president at, says lenders have been able to take on such risks because their balance sheets are in better shape and because they are subjecting borrowers to rigorous screening.
In the body shop, vehicles begin to take shape as some of the plant's 850 robots, processing data scanned from each serial number, pluck large stamped pieces of steel from nearby conveyor belts and weld them together.
As LinkedIn's membership rocketed past 20 million in 2008, a winning business model began to take shape.
But it's unclear what shape so-called comprehensive immigration reform could take -- particularly in a politically divided Congress.
He said the scheme could take shape very swiftly if permission is given and the warehouse could be in operation by autumn 2013.
As his effect on the Republican ticket begins to take shape, what is clear is that fiscal consolidation is now clearly in the agenda.
FORBES: Paul Ryan And Fiscal Cliff Fears Could Derail Stock Markets
To be able to do something new, you need to be able to take control of how that thing is currently done in order to shape it to your will.
FORBES: Adobe's Creative Cloud And The Expansive Future Of The Digital Workplace
But detailed policies may not take shape until the launch of the next five-year plan, beginning in 2011.
Organisations may take on more of an egg-timer shape, with people rising quickly in their 30s and 40s, and then rejoining the wider workforce for the final third of their career.
The BBC's Hugh Schofield in Paris says the outlines of a plan are beginning to take shape.