We're unfortunately out of time, but maybe we can take that up with you at a future time.
He believes Congress could take up that -- the committee could take up that plan and pass it out with its remaining hours if that kind of compromise were something that all sides would want.
Janet Finch Saunders AM noted the decline in GCSE take up of STEM subjects and the fact that take up at A level has not increased in line with overall A level entries as she called on the government to introduce a programme encouraging highly talented people into STEM subject teaching.
Those ridiculous collectors editions with high profits on cheap plastic that take up so much shelf space that only game specialty stores like GameStop are willing to put up with outside of internet warehouses?
Take that argument up with Chuck and his construction workers.
But for those skeptics who refuse to believe the Recovery Act has done any good, who continue to insist that the bill didn't work, I'd ask you to take that argument up with Blake and his employees.
Now, if you're asking me -- which I kind of think you are -- take that 200, 000 and multiply that up to take count of the multiplier effects, yes, that we have not done.
Again, this is not the last time that the Senate is going to take up measures that involve economic stability.
Their plan says let's go back to a system on Wall Street where there were the kinds of rules that allowed people to take reckless bets that ended up affecting all of Main Street.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President on the American Jobs Act
Many in the Philippines will be watching if Laquian would ever take up that offer.
These are the big programs that take up a huge portion of the federal budget.
Is the White House willing to take up that issue in January if need be?
"If everybody made a snowman, it doesn't actually take up that much snow, " he said.
Today, thousands of Americans will take up that task by volunteering to care for our public lands.
This removed many of the gender inequalities in subject take-up that previously existed.
Flat-panel screens are stylish and do not take up that much room.
If you aren't crazy about capturing videos that take up a lot of storage space on your phone, Zoes might be your speed.
Many of them figure to take up that rallying cry again, though as sports business consultant Marc Ganis points out, there are other ways to share the wealth these days.
The idea here is that IDT's switches will offload tasks that take up a lot of bandwidth from the digital signal processors, thus improving bandwidth performance by up to 20%.
Are we ready to take up that challenge?
FORBES: We Can't Save Capitalism Unless We Denounce Its False Prophets
Wolfensohn: Well, speaking of the United States, I think the question is how do you have a budget that has recommitments to health care and retirement benefits that take you up in some years from now to 20 to 30%?
That is the urgent matter at hand, and that is why he is out here in North Carolina and Virginia, talking to the citizens of these states, and trying to put pressure on Congress to take up that legislation now piece by piece and pass it, because there is no higher priority.
Ellison also noted that a paper option was important because many students in adult education classes lack the skills needed to take a computer-based test and that it will take time to beef up the courses to add that training.
The more critical and less nuanced spin on this that reform critics take is that all KIPP shows up is that spending more money works, so we obviously we should give public schools more money.
The Bush campaign estimates that 18m people will take up the full credit, but that number may be vastly understated.
So if we pretend that all the movies take up the same amount of space, that is 1.56GB per movie and that is assuming you can use the entire 156GB.
Drilling rigs are 40m (130ft) high, the plant would take 12 months to build and take up an acre during that time and half an acre after.
The President said yesterday in a radio interview that the government could take steps that could spur growth by up to 1.5 percentage point and add a million new jobs.
Then, you can take that code, put it up at one of the hosting companies, and you can do anything that you would like to do.