The fountain depicts a life-size female figure pouring water from an urn into a bowl with the inscriptions "take the water of life freely" and "water is best".
The Bristol Ferry Boat Company said it saw a jump in the number of passengers as commuters decided to take the water to work rather than risk the icy roads and pavements.
The reason for that is it would, over a much wider area, take out things like the National Grid, on which we all rely for almost everything, take out the water system, the sewage system.
Edgar Vincent's is the latest of these vessels to take to the water.
In October the USS Makin Island, an amphibious assault ship, was the first of 12 hybrid-powered ships to take to the water.
In the tropics, they take up water from the deep soil and release it as vapor in the air.
Today, it is possible that the internet itself can create the kind of social activity that used to take place at the water cooler, and that, as a result, creative work and interdependent work of many kinds can in fact best be done by employees in remote locations.
The three-month Catlin Arctic Survey expedition will also take samples of the water, snow, ice and air.
Life in the sea, after all, supports the basic processes that we all take for granted: the water cycle, the oxygen cycle, the carbon cycle, and much more.
CNN: An SOS on World Oceans Day: Save our seas, save ourselves
Shark safety officers trained to distract any creatures that may get curious will take turns in the water surrounding her.
As the ship lost power in Hurricane Sandy and began to take on water, the crew evacuated to two large liferafts.
Dr Reaney said that in urban areas, where melted snow runs directly off roads and pavements into drains, snowmen would make more of a difference than in fields where it would take longer for the water to filter into watercourses.
People affected by flooding around the River Severn are being warned it could take a while for the water to recede.
He said the floodwater had deposited a bank of soil in the channels they had built to take water away from the turbine and back into the River Rea.
Residents in a Worcestershire village that is still flooded after 10 weeks have called on the council to take action to clear the dirty water.
Since you were asked that question, the shippers and barge industry has gotten together along -- joining Mr. Harkin in asking the President for a federal declaration ordering the Corps to take certain steps to ease the water levels.
It remains to be seen whether Georgia's threat to take the case to the Supreme Court holds water.
WSJ: In Latest War Between the States, Georgia Says Tennessee Is All Wet
According to the government's blueprint for dismantling Fukushima Daiichi, engineers will first have to repair the reactor building leaks, which could take six years, then drain the buildings of radioactive water, which could take an additional two years.
WSJ: Japan to Take 40 Years to Dismantle Fukushima Nuclear Plant
In the few years since Atlanta let Suez Lyonnaise take over its water concession, the firm has reduced costs considerably.
Some fish farmers are trying to take aquaculture offshore where the water is cleaner and currents are stronger.
Then backing up, Caro backing up to take a run at the water.
Unfortunately, no victory big or small will save Sofia and her peers from their fate: Scientists who have studied the area say even if spraying stopped completely today, it would take a few generations to decontaminate the water and soil, and for any lingering health impacts to fade away.
While the iPhone 5 we tortured did eventually take in too much water and thus disabled the touch panel, it quickly came back to life after we shook off some of the water.
The first new rail line would take it from Water Orton, following a route near to the M42 towards Nottingham.
It seeks a toilet that costs less than five cents per user per day to operate, that requires neither a supply of clean water nor sewerage infrastructure to take the waste away, and that will generate energy and recover salts, water and other nutrients.
The army's chief engineer says it could take up to 30 days to remove the water, and New Orleans officials have said it could be several months before those who fled before Katrina hit are able to return.
However, the water could take some time to drain from the pitches, she added.
Trees take root in the acidic brown water, which sustains them only to drown them during the next rainfall.
FORBES: Isolation Is The New Luxe! Find It By Speedboat In The Amazon
After a day of affluence on the water, take your sun-drenched skin to The Spa at Grove Isle.
At least fairly clean: One year Wardlaw turned on the water to take a shower, and it was running brown.