Stanford's Graduate School of Business MBA admissions director Derrick Bolton says the network that exists between former students is powerful but it should not be the primary reason that students decide to take up post-graduate study.
Mr Poloz will take up his post, which runs for seven years, next month.
Shaun Sawyer was approved unanimously by the Police and Crime Panel to take up the post.
BBC: Shaun Sawyer confirmed as Devon and Cornwall police chief
She will shortly take up the post of President of the International Aids Society.
Mr Kinnock will take up the post in November, when he leaves the European Commission.
Replacing the current police authority, Mr Ellis is due to take up his post on 22 November.
Mr Browett left British electronics chain Dixons to take up his post with Apple in April this year.
Dr Flanagan has agreed to take up the post of associate medical director when his interim replacement is appointed.
Nishimiya has been in Tokyo, preparing to take up his post, working to exhaustion as the crisis has escalated.
The new chief inspector for Ofsted will take up his post in January.
Mr Lew is due to take up his post amid tense negotiations between the White House and congressional Republicans.
He will now take up a post as regional director of "eHealth and external collaboration" at the Health and Social Care Board.
Putin himself has indicated that a major victory by United Russia could prompt him to take up the post of prime minister.
She left the US to take up a post working with young people in Mogadishu, helping them obtain an education and skills.
Gareth Wyn Jones, an inspector with Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Education and Training in Wales, (Estyn) will take up the post after Easter.
The Rev Nicholas Holtam, currently vicar of St Martin-in-the-Fields, has been approved by the Queen to take up the post of Bishop of Salisbury.
Colin Kniveton has been given time off from his role in the Isle of Man government to take up the post of interim chief secretary of Sark.
BBC: Sark civil servant says future vision is 'top priority'
The woman, an oncoplastic breast and general surgeon who has not been named, will take up the post in the New Year, Health Minister David Anderson said.
The Commission for Racial Equality is delaying its response to the consultation process as its new chairman, broadcaster Trevor Phillips, has yet to take up his post.
Phiri, the former coach of the Zambian national team, has been offered a one-year renewable contract, and is expected to take up his post at the beginning of January.
Gatland and Edwards have remained close friends since their Wasps days, even when former Ireland coach Gatland returned to his native New Zealand to take up a post with Waikato.
The plans for productions from 2013-2020 were announced under the directorship of the House's outgoing chairman, Tony Hall, who is leaving to take up the post of director general of the BBC.
Sean Donaghy will take up a new post with the Health and Social Care Board.
Thompson is bound to come under increasing pressure not to take up the NYT post.
FORBES: What Was The Extent Of Mark Thompson's Involvement In BBC Paedophilia Cover Up?
Mr Rodford is currently governor of Whitemoor Prison in Cambridgeshire and will take up his new post on 20 July.
Gen Ammar Saleh's brother, Gen Tareq Saleh, head of the Presidential Guard, will take up a diplomatic post in Germany.