Yet perhaps the most surprising thing about the debate on care of the elderly is just how far its basic assumption - that ideally each family should care for its own - is taken for granted by most of Singapore's citizens.
In his view, what gadget buyers increasingly care about is not so much the gadgets themselves - it is taken for granted that rival brands are all pretty good - as the quality of the software and services they deliver.
This is nearly unheard of in this industry -- and probably only rivaled by Apple -- so it's not something to be taken for granted.
ENGADGET: Editorial: Dear RIM, I'm your customer and I don't wear a suit
However, the undeniable progress that has been made should not be taken for granted, the Director-General warned.
This was a strange shift from political blogging, a sphere in which point-counterpoint is simply taken for granted.
Nothing can be taken for granted in the foreign-exchange markets.
The bottom line: Globalization cannot be taken for granted, especially in a slow-growing world burdened with debt and old and new animosities that undermine domestic and international trade.
Microsoft's SkyDrive is now one of the centerpieces of the company's desktop and mobile platforms, but its relative newness has denied us some of the fine-grained control we've taken for granted from services like Dropbox.
I'm hopeful that November 7 was also a declaration that middle-class Americans won't be taken for granted by either political party.
Today, it's taken for granted that everyone can vote for either major-party candidate, but as late as 1960, John F.
But the historical post-war zeal combined with sheer hard work that have made the Franco-German couple endure so far can no longer be taken for granted.
When we first reviewed the phones, we admit, this is a feature we'd taken for granted, especially since they ship with stock Google Maps -- and you don't realize just how much you need reliable AGPS until it stops working.
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Matthew feels taken for granted and professionally trapped in the way that many contemporary stay-at-home moms often do.
Time was when you could give audiences a thrill simply by casting young actors in the title roles, but ever since Franco Zeffirelli filmed the sorrowful tale of the star-crossed lovers in 1968, that expedient has come to be taken for granted.
Turning to events after the war, Sir Christopher said UK co-operation in the mission should have been contingent on a thorough post-war plan for Iraq but, instead, the UK was "taken for granted".
While other species such as Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins and Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins are not currently threatened, their future can by no means be taken for granted.
BBC: NEWS | South Asia | Bangladesh's majestic dolphins at risk
That portrait attracts us because it was taken on the edge of momentous change -- a time when Americans began developing many of the tools we now take for granted.