Potentially Sinn Fein were genuinely taken by surprise with the scale of what's planned for Stormont.
The Association of Magazine Media, which represents consumer magazines, said it was taken by surprise.
It has subsequently been taken by surprise at the level of disarray within its own ranks.
In a statement Thursday, the Rajasthan Royals said it was "completely taken by surprise" by the arrests.
She noted that Israel had been taken by surprise by the timing and location of the announcement.
Certainly, Israel wouldn't have been taken by surprise by America's decision to allow Resolution 1860 to pass.
But how do you insure, in a game like football, that a player is never taken by surprise?
Schell and his police chief, Norm Stamper, seemed taken by surprise by the calamity caused by the demonstration.
CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Business: Rage Against The Machine
When they do overcome their fears and talk to us reporterly types, they are often taken by surprise when they see their words in print.
FORBES: Should journalists be required to give 'Miranda warnings' to their sources?
"Since there had been stability in Indonesia for 30 years, foreign investors were taken by surprise, " says Stephanus Partono, an analyst for Goldman Sachs in Singapore.
At the same time, we were all in it together, and we could be taken by surprise, after five days of grind, by the transformation of the team.
The smartest pencil-necks in Silicon Valley were taken by surprise--as was Intel, which spent hundreds of millions on the idea that nearly all computer storage would migrate onto chips by 2000.
If India - with its own important historical association with Africa - was initially taken by surprise by the scale of China's interest in Africa it has been playing catch-up in a major way, too.
On the other hand, as in real life, great teams sometimes can be also taken by surprise despite (or maybe because of) their talent, as happened only this past weekend with the American Ryder Cup team.
Angela Knight, chief executive of the Energy UK - the trade association for the energy sector - told BBC News the industry had been taken by surprise by the PM's announcement and more clarity was needed on the government's position.
But, despite being no stranger to foot-and-mouth - he worked alongside the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food during the 1967 outbreak - even he has been taken by surprise at the virulence of the latest outbreak.
We are completely taken by surprise.
BBC: Indian cricketers arrested over spot-fixing allegations
Will most of them see Wal-Mart as a forced pit stop or might they be taken by surprise with the company's efforts to clean up stores, arrange merchandise in a more shopper-friendly way and put out better brands at lower prices than the competition?
Israelis can be forgiven for being taken by surprise by their move and by the prospect that Uruguay, and perhaps Paraguay, Chile, Peru, Ecuador and El Salvador, will be following in their footsteps because the Israeli media have failed to report on developing trends in Latin America.
The Pakistani intelligence official guiding me through the compound said there were no AK-47 bullets found at the scene and he therefore surmised that the courier had been taken by surprise and was shot before he could reach for his AK-47, which was recovered leaning against the wall of the Kuwaitis' bedroom.
But the depth of the current economic crisis has taken many by surprise.
Speaking on the state-owned television station Radio Television Russia (RTR), the journalist said his release had taken him by surprise.
Time and time again, the Fed has been taken completely by surprise by the results of its actions and inactions.
FORBES: When the Fed Makes Headlines, You Know We're In Trouble
The speed of the shift in attitudes has taken businesses by surprise.
ECONOMIST: A revolution in the workplace meets little resistance
The rise in medium- and long-term government-bond rates has already taken many by surprise and has led to howls of protest from politicians.
In recent years, several space objects have taken astronomers by surprise, serving as a reminder that our cosmic neighbourhood remains a busy place.
Allen, who is part of a four-man team of owners at Brunton Park, has admitted that the team's current predicament has taken him by surprise.
Privacy concerns around electronic health records haven't taken Congress by surprise.