Similar tales from the same era credit burger innovators in Ohio, Texas, Connecticut and beyond.
Follow us as we take a tour through the hidden tales of this one-of-a-kind mosque.
Future generations may yet tell tales of the derring do of great Dundee sides.
These are human stories, rags to riches tales, kids from the hood who made it good.
And though the history of mergers contains many sorry tales, happy endings are also possible.
Tales of the Chicago Mackinac Race 1898-1998, available in hardcover from the Chicago Yacht Club.
By weaving science lessons into roiling adventure tales, Verne and Hetzel strove to circumvent those strictures.
Nicholas Ricks, executive producer for Traveler's Tales, said that true-to-movie setup created some challenges.
CNN: Lord of the Rings lines, as delivered by LEGO characters
In sum, the Grimm tales contain almost no psychology a fact underlined by their brevity.
Many of the refugees who leave Kosovo bring tales of atrocities committed against ethnic Albanian civilians.
CNN: Annan defends U.N. refugee aid, says agency 'overwhelmed'
He said the illusions and fairy tales of the right had been stripped away.
There are even tales of the Irish following migrants back to Poland in search of work.
Opinions vary and there are many old wives tales about what triggers an audit.
Travelers' Tales remains unprofitable, but O'Reilly, undaunted, has recently launched a series of medical books.
The followers on his website have encouraged him with their own tales of weight loss.
But let's not be distracted by fairy tales about how the sky is falling.
But a shipper who hears tales about lost luggage may be inclined to patronize FedEx instead.
His tales of the macabre, with death and beauty closely intertwined, were admired by many editors.
Tale of Tales specialize in using game engines to power evocative, semi-linear narrative design.
These tales aren't fiction concocted by marketing departments, in the manner of Betty Crocker.
C. courtroom and among the juicy details to emerge are tales alleging the bullying of Intel.
The common thread in both financial tales is the sad stunned response of city officials.
Nor is our presumed knowledge of fairy tales enough to make any of these figures whole.
The days when fairy tales were the preserve of the animation department are over.
We love fairy tales yet are fascinated by princes who turn out to be frogs.
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Some family members have been concerned about tales of corporate interference at other Murdoch-owned newspapers.
It all depends on how far back you look for the beginning of those fairy tales.
"One is more likely to find tales of boredom" from brokers, he says, than excitement.
It has given rise to a considerable body of knowledge, songs, maxims, tales and legends.
For Rogers, it was Smith's tales of being of service that sealed the deal.