So for all the talk, all the money, the troops have had little to do.
Talkers Magazine has consistently named him one of America's most important talk show hosts.
So why do we persist with the male mid-life crisis, talk about it, believe in it?
Pro Forma Puff Jobs 12.09.02 (Free registration required.) Investors are clamoring for straight talk about profits.
And when we talk about the communities of Prudhoe Bay, they're there just for the industry.
Sure, those democratic states will talk, and bargain, and hog air time on Al-Arabiya.
So in the time that we have left, I would like to talk about policy.
We can all talk about the 200 friends we know, or the 2, 000 friends we know.
For labor to evolve, it will need a leader better equipped to walk the talk.
This is an edited version of Martin Cassini's Four Thought talk for BBC Radio 4.
It's taken some time to put words to her feelings, but now she is ready to talk.
Find a match and the two sides retreat to a secure area to talk specifications and price.
Audience members can wander where they like and talk to cast members in order to garner clues.
Talk now of limits and freezes, is talk of a wobbly target pinned to a blurred picture.
Joining us to talk about this case and a few other Supreme Court decisions is Emily Bazelon.
They'll talk about her wish to change the world and how they're going to go about it.
Douglas Carswell told MPs that talk of withdrawal was now a "mainstream" rather than a "maverick" view.
To talk about all this and more, we're joined, as we are every Monday, by NPR's Cokie Roberts.
NPR: The Issue of Iraq Policy Change Takes Hold in Washington
Felicia Pride joins us here in Studio 3A. Nice to have you on TALK OF THE NATION today.
The haredi mayor, Yaakov Guterman, says that talk of a settlement freeze is particularly unfair for Modiin Illit.
The machine will include a screen so customers can talk to a member of staff by video link.
It's also interesting what Chu didn't talk about: increasing oil and gas production from U.S. fields.
FORBES: Energy Sec Chu Says Global Warming Is Real; Nat Gas Will Be Bridge Fuel
Another risk: Some kids may like to talk, but not to push products on their friends.
"It's a duty to our patients to talk about it as something to consider, " he says.
WSJ: More Doctors Broach Subject of Women's Age and Fertility
We'll talk with an editor from Adweek about this in just a few minutes.
"It's really something I don't want to talk about right now, " he told Dr. Gupta.
They will talk about him generations from now, the next time London gets itself a Games.
WSJ: 2012 London Olympics: Bradley Wiggins: The Reluctant King of Cycling - Jason Gay
They went on TV talk shows and held rallies right up until game time.
"We would talk about football or something to take their mind off the bill, " Pianelli recalls.