Oscar likes to spread the bounty, and three gongs might be considered tantamount to canonisation.
Predictably, Manhattan U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara treated the destruction as tantamount to an admission of guilt.
For Moriyama's citizens, the Education Ministry's rejection of sumo was tantamount to cultural treason.
Such actions are tantamount to bribery, which can be an automatic knock-out factor, recruiters say.
One said that "raising indirect taxes in Spain now is tantamount to economic destruction".
That would be tantamount to stifling the markets, and reneging on another energy promise.
Some opponents of ratification suggest that a ban would be tantamount to nuclear disarmament.
If so, it could be tantamount to a "material omission" with regard to the company's S.E.
Their relevance makes them tantamount to a utility and that is how they should be designated.
At our company, an architecture and design enterprise, teamwork is tantamount to optimal performance.
FORBES: Open Workspaces Are Here to Stay. Now, How Do We Get Any Work Done?
But Labour MP Geraint Davies said the bill was "tantamount to an abdication of parliamentary sovereignty".
According to our correspondent, Afghan officials view that as tantamount to interference in the country's internal affairs.
When I was a kid, time spent with the Atari 2600 console was tantamount to dodging responsibilities.
The group had previously said that any valuation below 55p a share would be "tantamount to theft".
Yes, some were deeply and utterly hostile, regarding the move as tantamount to betraying the Tory name.
Critics claim the mechanism is tantamount to German taxpayers funding foreign governments in breach of the country's constitution.
Many conservative Republicans say the plan is tantamount to giving amnesty to immigrants who are in the country illegally.
Whole charitable organizations must take what are tantamount to vows of poverty as moral license to end poverty elsewhere.
To church reformers the veneration of relics was tantamount to idolatry and a symptom of a church gone astray.
But he got a loud earful from a few ex-players who argued that Warner's comments were tantamount to disloyalty.
WSJ: Tom Brady, Kurt Warner: Football, Fathers and the Future
Of course, it could be argued that refusal of treatment is often tantamount to a wish to die sooner.
Giving up the employer contribution can be tantamount to accepting a pay cut.
Opposition economists say this is tantamount to printing money, and will be inflationary.
Voters are concerned over terrorism and U.S. drone strikes, which many Pakistanis find tantamount to violation of their country's sovereignty.
Somewhere, I had picked up the idea that asking for help was tantamount to admitting weakness, and ultimately, failure.
In short, reductions in guaranteed money to rookies is nearly tantamount to the value of the reduced cap league wide.
Therefore, opponents argue, allowing people to sport these plates is tantamount to allowing the tea-partiers to advertise on state property.
Further, investigations of all vendors to pensions should be routinely undertaken and should not be considered tantamount to accusations of wrongdoing.
FORBES: Consultants Intensify Opposition to Investigations of Their Conflicts (June 1, 2005)
But Reuters reported that this was something U.S. critics feared would be tantamount to giving Moscow a veto over NATO action.
The U.S. Attorney in Manhattan, Preet Bharara, recently said this conduct was tantamount to Full Tilt operating a Ponzi scheme.