Tapping into old family connections, he convinced farmers to sell their land to him on credit.
Bob is tapping his tennis shoe at it and seems to be making it angrier.
Investigations by Britain's domestic security service, MI5, can include undercover surveillance, phone tapping and communications intercepts.
His fingers are no longer tapping on the dashboard but draped around his pointed knees.
Some use the same investment strategy for both building and tapping a nest egg.
McCain has taken a huge gamble by tapping the unknown, largely untested governor of Alaska.
CNN: Analysis: Four things McCain needs to accomplish this week
But it's still great for tapping out long e-mails, and the batteries last a long time.
Tapping a tiny cloud icon beside each file will pull it onto your device.
Similarly hot springs are good for the skin and for tapping into local culture.
Mr Torres Lopez is said to have communicated with rescuers tapping and hitting the walls.
Setting a bookmark is as simple as tapping the upper-right corner of the screen.
Even those watching the classes are tapping their feet and swaying to the beat.
Repositioning is performed by tapping and dragging, while dropping one on another creates a folder.
Forget about wearing out your thumbs tapping those tiny keys on your cell phone.
The fossil industry revolves around applying technology to tapping resources that are much harder to extract.
Which means that you shouldn't expect to be tapping away coast-to-coast anytime in the near future.
Instead of tapping your home equity for college costs, have your kid take more student loans.
Compton-Rock snaps pictures while dancing to the beat and tapping on a nearby African drum.
Tapping anywhere in the viewfinder enables touch-to-focus, tapping and holding lets you select the autofocus mode.
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For businesses, tapping into the egosytem changes the game for marketing, sales and service.
Napolitano dismissed criticism that too much time has elapsed before tapping a potential leader.
Many charities are better at getting grants from western donors than at tapping rich Russians.
The second group: students from kindergarten through grad school tapping Coverdell education savings accounts.
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This is something that mothers across the country are alarmed about and we're tapping into that.
Niko Kranjcar put Spurs ahead, tapping in after Stephen Ireland had blocked Peter Crouch's initial header.
Interacting with the books is a generally intuitive combination of tapping, swiping and pinching.
Taking notes is as easy as long-tapping on any word and then dragging your finger across.
Just because you've pursued everyone in your network once, don't stop tapping it, Wolkstein says.
The woman was agitated as she watched and waited for the tapping and swiping to stop.
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First, he must convince the state legislature to write a proposal for tapping the Permanent Fund.
ECONOMIST: Can the Permanent Fund be used to wipe out the deficit?