But Paul said he was "alarmed" at how difficult it has been to get the administration to clearly define what qualifies as a legitimate target of a drone strike.
The Kentucky senator said he was "alarmed" by how difficult it had been to get President Barack Obama's administration to clearly define what qualifies as a legitimate target of a drone strike.
The shooting sports website AmmoLand responded by posting a PETA drone practice target for readers to use at the shooting range.
They missed their target, and the drone was guided back to base.
The drone program needs to come out of the shadows, with explanations about who is a civilian, who is a target, and how drone operators distinguish between the two.
When it is technically possible for a target identified by a drone or satellite to be struck ten minutes later, the idea of having to spend several days winning approval from the leaders of 19 countries (as during the Kosovo war) is even more unattractive to military commanders.
Perhaps Underwood reminds us how laughably hypocritical it is for legislators who support drone strikes to target video games.
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Drone attacks frequently target Pakistan's restive tribal areas, where many insurgents seek refuge.
But that year, the CIA fired the first missile from a drone at a terrorist target in Waziristan.
Decent and fair-minded Americans should focus not only on drones that target Americans, but also on drone strikes that shock our conscience.
CNN: Rand Paul, a civil liberties hero and civil rights villain
The two countries remain at odds, however, over which militant groups to target and the Central Intelligence Agency's drone program in Pakistan.
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Should a drone fire on a house where a target is known to be hiding, which may also be sheltering civilians?
The office where Webb sat had the only video feed in the White House showing real-time footage of the target, which was being shot by an unarmed RQ 170 drone flying more than fifteen thousand feet above Abbottabad.
Next month, three additional large bomb-dropping drone aircraft called Reapers will be shifted here from Iraq to help target insurgents and other fighters from the skies.
The drone strike also highlights the closing window of opportunity for the CIA to target high-level Taliban and al-Qaida-related militants while the agency still has tens of thousands of U.S. and NATO troops to protect its dozen-plus major bases around neighboring Afghanistan.
Mexican Attorney General spokeswoman Rocio Torres denied her country's involvement with the drone Friday, but later in the day, another Mexican official said the drone was being operated by the Ministry of Public Security and was following a target at the time of the mechanical malfunction.