Hooking a local tarpon or barracuda can certainly add an unexpectedly powerful element of propulsion.
Bluefin, while not given to the same balletic leaps as marlin or tarpon, are stubborn foes.
Ault announced an innovative new partnership between BTT and the University of Miami to study bonefish and tarpon.
The Everglades, too, have tarpon, plus redfish and snook and even largemouth bass.
He had just returned from a bonefishing trip in the Bahamas and was soon due to be fishing for tarpon.
Now age 53, he is retired and lives with his wife and daughter in the tony enclave of Tarpon Springs, Florida.
He caught his first tarpon in 1960 in Everglades City, Florida.
FORBES: Gone Fishing: Paul Volcker Retires From Public Life, Heads For the River
Apte was one of the pioneers of flyfishing for bonefish, tarpon and permit on the flats, and has set 44 saltwater fishing records in his career.
But destructive fishing pressure has sharply depleted ocean wildlife, some by 90 percent in 50 years, including sharks, tunas, marlin, menhaden, groupers, snappers, tarpon, turtles, shrimp, crabs and others.
CNN: An SOS on World Oceans Day: Save our seas, save ourselves
In March he will likely head to fish the saltwater flats in Florida for bonefish and tarpon and perhaps permit (a species of fish that has thus far eluded his hook).
FORBES: Gone Fishing: Paul Volcker Retires From Public Life, Heads For the River
Bonefish and tarpon, like the Atlantic salmon, are blessed in the sense that they are pursued by the kind of demographic that has the means and the will to fight for them with effectiveness.
But on the day that Meredith was laid to rest golf and tennis beckoned to retirees in radiant waves of sun, and the fishermen of Tarpon Cove sported cheerfully with the devilish snook.
Please do not ask why, but in Tarpon Springs, Greek restaurants started hiding a dollop of potato salad inside a regulation Greek salad - now you can find this odd combination throughout central Florida.
On an unseasonably chilly night in Manhattan a gaggle of businessmen, anglers and fishing guides gathered together for an auction and dinner in the name of saving bonefish, tarpon and permit, three species that haunt the flats and beguile anglers from Florida to the Bahamas to various far-flung Pacific atolls.