Mr. Thaws said his wide-ranging taste in music has its roots in his childhood.
WSJ: Tricky Business: Style Built on Samples | By Jim Fusilli
You see, contrary to popular belief, the START menu was not about taste in UI design.
Excellence of taste in the fine arts and humanities, also known as high culture.
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"Brazilians and players were left with that bitter taste in our mouths, " added Ronaldo.
But even a successful deal will leave a sour taste in the capital markets.
Blank also may have a sour taste in his mouth from the Michael Vick saga.
Besides, bit by bit the relentless Mr Mortier really has wrought a change of taste in Salzburg.
You can also read their comments or leave comments for them about their taste in sink skirts.
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Tests by Severn Trent Water in Broadway last month showed discolouration and a change of taste in water.
BBC: Broadway water still unfit 10 days after problems arose
Of course, much, if not all of Simpson-Bowles leaves a bad taste in the mouth of partisan politicians.
With an aching head and a nauseating taste in my mouth, I dragged myself to the office shed.
Nokia also takes comfort from the fact that Japanese taste in mobile-phone design is rather different from European.
Harry S. Truman (1945-1953) was a product of the middle-class Midwest, and his taste in cars reflected this.
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Chairman of the group David Jeffels said the allegations had left "a bitter taste in many people's mouths".
By then, his taste in music embraced British folk, especially the work of guitarists Davy Graham and Bert Jansch.
WSJ: Songs as Catchy as Advertised | Hanni El Khatib | By Jim Fusilli
But it will have left a nasty taste in the money markets, and increased Wall Street's contempt for politicians.
Banga, whose taste in music ranges from Lady Gaga's "Paparazzi" to kirtans (devotional songs), comes well-prepared to his current job.
Of course, this kind of sensuality made Veronese a specialized taste in early 20th-century America, suitable only for daring collectors.
WSJ: More than a Mere Colorist | Veronese | Ringling Museum of Art
The franchise also has a sour taste in its mouth from its last Super Bowl appearance, after the 1998 season.
But, the media says as you stated, he isnt perspiring enough for the pundits taste in the air conditioned booth.
For all his inconsistent taste in dancers and choreographers, Mr. Martins has always given prominence to the works of George Balanchine.
WSJ: An Occasion to Reflect on Peter Martins's Legacy | By Robert Greskovic
This can lead to a condition called "ketosis", which can cause bad breath, nausea and a bad taste in the mouth.
It is unfortunate that beer must lack taste in order to survive time and travel, but that is an unalterable fact.
Her bedrooms and dressing rooms were decorated with nobody's taste in mind but her own, and created simply to please herself.
He's had a taste in the past of being a full-time musician and that is, inevitably, his goal for the future.
So there was cause for a bitter taste in some investor's mouths.
But the match will doubtless leave a bitter taste in the mouth for Mexico, who pulled a goal back through Javier Hernandez.
One admitted she regularly wore stilettos to meetings after a male partner in her firm complimented her on her taste in shoes.
If your taste in fashion tends towards the Gallic, Galeries Lafayette (Friedrichstrasse 76 -- 78) offers elegant French design, perfumes, shoes and accessories.
He even has a Reaganesque taste in leisure, making sure that he has plenty of rest, and time spent clearing brush on his ranch.