But when he started brewing beer in 2003, he realised the civet coffee would lend the ideal taste to a strong stout.
BBC: Danish beer made with ��civet poo' coffee
This comes as the carriers are rolling out high-speed 4G networks, and U.S. mobile users are developing a strong taste for data-intensive services like streaming media.
CNN: Analyst: iPads, Kindles, GPS units to be cheaper in 2012
From Lazio, in central Italy, his is one of the most straightforward preparations Trippa alla Romana balances the gut's strong taste with tomato, guanciale, mint and pecorino.
WSJ: Cooking With Tripe: No Need to Gripe | Jolie Laide
British dietician Amanda Wynne said babies and young children have strong taste sensations and she stressed the importance of introducing a variety of flavours at an early age.
BBC: NEWS | Health | First foods shape our taste buds
Strong vanilla taste on the tip and sides of the tongue, wood smoke flavors in the center of the mouth.
FORBES: Making 46: Maker's Mark Produces First New Bourbon In Half A Century
Build a strong aesthetic taste.
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Legend has it that, following the victory, the Viennese reportedly found sacks of coffee abandoned by the enemy and, finding it too strong for their taste, diluted it with cream and honey.
BBC: Pope beatifies 'father of cappuccino'
Or maybe (and this explanation seemed most likely) Stinky was suggesting that its taste-making power is strong enough to transform a pedestrian Snickers bar into a whimsical find the way Duchamp turned a urinal into high art.
WSJ: Comforting the Wealthy
Cancer patients' "taste can be blunted so they need something strong sweet, spicy or acidic just so they can taste it, " she says.
WSJ: New Hospital Cuisine: Dishes Made to Order
"Sometimes it seemed like the taste of the alcohol was too strong but then I thought the barmen had simply poured out too much whiskey and I did not attach any importance to it, " she said.
BBC: Turkey arrests after adulterated alcohol kills Russians
The wild basil is still in my hand and as I chew a green leaf, releasing its strong, earthy flavours, the colours of Ibiza seem at once to be all around me: in taste, smell, sound and sight.
BBC: The three colours of Ibiza