However, the Anniesland result left the SNP's reputation as giant killers looking decidedly tattered.
The Priaulx Library in St Peter Port keeps a few tattered Alberts among its collection.
We owned his titles in immaculate firsts and tattered reading copies and odd variant editions.
It exited the U.S. market about two decades ago with a tattered quality reputation.
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And in one renowned episode, he went to the tattered small church of St.
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That's where he needs to start repairing his tattered reputation to become marketable again.
My dictionary was now a tattered, sorry mess, its spine broken, its coffee-stained leaves creased and torn., though, is chock-full of reports and proves to be a much-needed salve to my tattered nerves.
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Young men and women, mouths and eyes blackened with soot, clothes tattered, tumbled out screaming and crying.
It was shot through and through and tattered, but it never ceased to wave in the wind.
It was a chance to recover from his years of financial troubles and redeem his tattered personal life.
Is there no band whose name will be sported on the tattered t-shirts of kids 30 years from now?
Another obstacle: the difficulty of implementing programs, especially in impoverished settings with tattered health-care systems, poor education and other challenges.
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She rolls the heavy, jagged chunks of metal across the living room floor, where her family sits on tattered cushions.
Our house sat at the end of Gerard Avenue: coquettish and tattered, on tippy toes, it seemed, from the encroaching world.
During the book signing, the two shared stories of cancer treatment while Blume signed Rabb's tattered paperback for the second time.
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Out the window, at eye level, the Coast Range is still hung with a tattered lace of snow in late July.
Mr. Barakzai was shocked by what he saw: Scores of boys in tattered clothes popped in and out of mine entrances.
Our clothes were few and tattered and our homes looked like they had been built by boys, which of course they had.
When Agnelli bought it in 2007, it was in shambles, an underwhelming expanse of parched grass and tattered palm and olive trees.
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Perhaps a few incremental adjustments are made, mending the tattered fabric of the business model, but rarely rethinking it or replacing it completely.
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But the banks are unwilling to degrade their already-tattered balance sheets further and risk another financial crisis: debt restructuring is going very slowly.
With his clothes cut to shreds, Tom looked like someone washed up on shore after a shipwreck, tattered and clinging to a single plank.
As I declined his offer, I observed his tattered disposition in the heat of the Lagos sun as he moved to the next patron.
The dollar has fallen in value by more than 80% from the day when Richard Nixon took the world off the tattered remnants of the gold standard.
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After casting his vote on Saturday, Saakashvili said the election was not about restoring his tattered democratic credentials but about getting a mandate to continue his policies.
While booksellers say they are glad to have new titles from two fan favorites, Ms. Langer at the Tattered Cover sounded a wistful note over the timing.
Tattered notepads turned obsolete, as many artists instead began committing raps to memory or constructing them off the cuff in the studio, one line at a time.
The colourful new notes could end up just like the tattered old Sudanese pounds already in circulation, changing hands at wildly different rates from village to village.
He displayed the only things he still owns: an axe, a wire for trapping wild animals, a tattered green gym bag, a cooking pot, and a wicker basket.