However, that reduction, as well as others in the 2003 tax bill, expires in 2010.
The provisions, part of the 650-page corporate tax bill enacted in October, represent an about-face by Congress.
Yet the new tax bill arbitrarily sets that level as the threshold for wealth.
Unlike shareholders in corporations, MLP investors are stuck with a tax bill for the distributions.
The Senate will vote today to pass the Marketplace Fairness Act, an Internet sales tax bill.
But that's almost all a timing gimmick, accelerating tax collections without altering anybody's cumulative tax bill.
Ask for proof that by lowering your basis today you haven't raised your tax bill tomorrow.
WSJ: The Intelligent Investor: The Hazards of Tax-Loss Harvesting
The windfall detailed in regulatory documents filed Friday saddled Zuckerberg, 28, with a massive tax bill.
Along the way, you reduce your current tax bill and give yourself a powerful estate-planning instrument.
FORBES: Why Do Colleges And Charities Speculate With Your Donations?
The company cannot lower your debt burden without dumping you with a large tax bill.
FORBES: Links 10 Nov: Finally, An Occupy Wall Street Idea We Can All Get Behind, The Rolling Jubilee
Arlen Specter tried to include the cost writeoff in a 2009 tax bill.
High income Hawaii residents must then use whichever restriction produces the higher tax bill.
That way you'll prolong the tax deferral in your iras and reduce your current tax bill.
For years a wisconsin dentist cut his tax bill by stuffing money into pretax retirement accounts.
Meanwhile, they're still hoping to win a few minor points on the Internet access tax bill.
These dollars can be put in a pretax 401(k), cutting your current tax bill.
You should, in fact, come up with a negative tax bill if the occasion presents.
Senate Republicans have enough members (41) to filibuster a tax bill put forth by Democrats.
Fail to do a direct rollover and you could run into a nasty tax bill.
FORBES: Transitioning Careers? Beware the 401k Laziness Trap
Combined, these tactics help maximize total portfolio value and reduce your annual tax bill.
None of us want them to wake up on January 1st with a higher tax bill.
Prices are determined much more by wholesale costs and retail competition than by the tax bill.
By displaying unrealized gains and losses your broker can help you cut your tax bill.
As a "last resort" the police share of the council tax bill may also go up.
As a credit, it reduces your tax bill directly, as opposed to your taxable income.
They can actually end up saving on their tax bill when they make the move.
It prompted a tax bill to slap even higher taxes on those deigning to say sayonara.
Currently, billions sit overseas as corporations try to keep their tax bill below U.S. rates.
FORBES: Johnson & Johnson's Synthes Deal Revives Foreign Tax Debate
Lastly, Cook County taxpayers pay 60-70 percent of an individual property tax bill to education.
FORBES: Cook County, Illinois Treasurer Warns U.S. Homeowners And Retirees Of Local Debt Hazards
Congress and the president could agree on a tax bill that would leave MTRs little changed.
FORBES: Marginal Tax Rates Matter More Than Average Tax Rates